


1、 [多选] 项目经理说:“我现在不能处理这件事。"此时,该项目经理用的何种冲突解决技巧?
What conflict resolution technique is a project manager using when he says, I cannot deal with this issue now!

  •  A :解决问题 Problem solving
  •  B :强迫 Forcing
  •  C : 撤退 Withdrawal
  •  D :妥协 Compromising

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P349 章节: 撤退/回避:从实际或潜在冲突中退出,将问题推迟到准备充分的时候,或者将问题推给其他人员解决。 对项目影响不大的时候,项目经理可以选择回避。

2、 [多选] 一家组织正在开展一个软件应用程序开发项目,有不同的相关方参与到该项目的不同阶段。项目经理应该如何让相关方在整个项目过程中参与?
An organization is working on a software application development project with different stakeholders involved in different stages of the project. How should the project manager involve stakeholders throughout the project?

  •  A :使用来自相关方的信息来制定项目需求 Use information from interested parties to develop project requirements
  •  B : 定期与所有相关方确认关键项目决策 Regularly confirm key project decisions with all interested parties
  •  C :让相关方参与制定项目商业论证 Involve interested parties in developing project business case
  •  D :不断与所有相关方分享项目状态报告 Continuously share project status reports with all interested parties

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划是项目管理计划的组成部分。 它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的策略和行动。 解析规划好相关方的定期决策,让相关方持续参与项目。

3、 [多选] 你的上一个敏捷项目遭受了各种各样的延迟,比如陈述和验证需求、编写和测试代码、要求客户澄清需求和接收澄清之间的时间间隔。在即将到来的敏捷项目中,你希望应用一些精益敏捷实践来确保减少或完全消除时间浪费。在计划即将到来的项目时,你最好的行动方案是什么?
Your last agile project suffered from various delays, such as time passing between stating and verifying requirements, writing and testing code, and asking customers to clarify requirements and receiving clarifications. In your upcoming agile project, you want to apply some lean-agile practices to ensure that time waste reduced or entirely eliminated. What is your best course of action while planning your upcoming project?

  •  A :制定并严格执行详细的项目管理计划 Develop and rigorously follow a detailed project management plan
  •  B :使用根本原因分析技术查找过程中的瓶颈 Use the root cause analysis techniques to find bottlenecks in the process
  •  C : 创建自主团队并为他们提供所需的资源 Create a self-directed team and provide them with the resources they need
  •  D :安排与客户的电话会议以明确要求 Schedule conference calls with the customer to clarify requirements

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P9 章节:2.2 自组织团队最符合敏捷的价值观和原则

4、 [多选] 项目经理被批准执行一个价值1200万美元为期三年的项目,6个月后,25%项目已完成,项目团队开支为400万美元。 计算完进度绩效指数和成本绩效指数后,下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is approved to execute a $12million, three-year project. After 25% of the project is completed. What is the next step after calculating the schedule performance index and cost performance index?

  •  A :要求更多资金 Ask for more money
  •  B : 执行偏差分析 Perform variance analysis
  •  C :制定绩效预测 Develop performance forecast
  •  D :提交变更请求 Submit a change request

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P262 章节: 偏差分析:成本和进度偏差是最需要分析的两种偏差。可开展偏差分析,通过比较计划成本和实际成本,来识别成本基准与实际项目绩效之间的差异;然后可以实施进一步的分析,以判定偏离进度基准的原因和程度,并决定是否需要采取纠正或预防措施 先进行偏差分析,再确认是否要采取纠正或预防措施。ACD都是纠正或预防措施。

5、 [多选] 一项目经理正在解决两名团队成员间的纠纷。一个人说系统应在测试之前集成,另一个说每个系统应该在集成之前分别测试。该项目包含 30 个人,要集成 12 个系统。出资人要求集成要按时。项目经理应该怎么说能够最好的解决这个冲突?
A project manager is trying to settle a dispute between two team members. One says the systems should be integrated before testing, and the other maintains each system should be tested before integration. The project involves over 30 people, and 12 systems need to be integrated. The sponsor is demanding that integration happen on time. What is the BEST statement the project manager can make to resolve the conflict?

  •  A :按我说的方法做 Do it my way.
  •  B :让我们冷静下来,把工作做完 Let's calm down and get the job done.
  •  C :我们先都冷静一下,下周再来处理 Let's deal with this again next week after we all calm down.
  •  D : 让我们集成之前先部分测试,集成之后再全部测试 Let's do limited testing before implementation and finish testing after implementation.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P349 章节: 妥协/调解:为了暂时或部分解决 冲突,寻找能让各方 都在一定程度上满意的方案。 A强迫 B缓解 C撤退 D妥协

6、 [多选] 一家公司启动了一个与开发新服务相关的项目,而该公司并不具有此类专业知识。项目经理了解到,运营部门不批准且可能不支持持续维护。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A Company launches a project related to the development of a new service, and the Company does not have this expertise. The project manager understands that the Operations Department does not approve and may not give support for the ongoing maintenance. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :执行沟通需求分析,并记录该情况 To perform communication needs analysis and record the situation
  •  B :根据之前项目的信息,创建一份风险识别核对单 Create a checklist of risk identification based on information from previous projects
  •  C :将此活动包含在工作分解结构(WBS)中,并在发生时对其进行处理 To include this activity into the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and process it when occurred
  •  D : 评估如何获得该部门的项目支持,以减少任何负面影响 To assess how to get project support from the department to reduce any negative impact

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P512 章节: 相关方分析:相关方分析会产生相关方清单 和关于相关方的各种信息,例如,在组织内的位置、在项目中的角色、与项目的利害关系、期望、态度(对项目的支持程 度),以及对项目信息的兴趣。 注意相关方的核心思想就是管理相关 方的抵制与支持。

7、 [多选] 当一个敏捷团队进行第七次迭代时,一个新相关方加入了该项目。相关方经常联系团队成员以请求信息并质疑他们的方法。Scrum主管注意到团队的生产力下降了。对于Scrum主管来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
As an agile team works its way through the seventh iteration, a new stakeholder joins the project. The stakeholder frequently contacts the team members to request information and question their methods. The scrum master notices that the productivity of the team drops. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?

  •  A : 清除妨碍团队进展的障碍和阻碍 Remove impediments and roadblocks that interfere with the team's progress
  •  B :鼓励团队与相关方互动,并满足他们的需求 Encourage the team to interact with and address the needs of the stakeholder
  •  C :将团队从相关方和任何其他外部影响中隔离出来 Isolate the team from the stakeholder and any other external influences
  •  D :为团队提供他们需要的任何东西,以提高他们的积极性和生产力 Provide the team with anything they need to be more motivated and productive

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P34 章节:4.2.1 仆人式领导的职责:仆人式领导通过管理关系, 在团队内和组织中建立沟通与协作。这些关系可以帮助领导在组织中得心应手地为团队提供支持。这种支持有助于消除障碍,促进团队理顺过程。 在敏捷实践中,项目经理重要的核心工作就是消除障碍。

8、 [多选] 你正在预测管理项目的敏捷阶段的中途。公司CEO刚刚通知你们,由于疫情蔓延,所有非必要人员将被要求远程工作,包括你们的项目团队。然而,资源管理计划要求使用集中办公来增强沟通和协作。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
You are midway into an agile phase of a predictively managed project. You have just been notified by the company's CEO that, due to a growing pandemic, all non-essential personnel will be required to work remotely, including your project team. However, the resource management plan mandates the use of physical colocation to enhance communication and collaboration. What is your best course of action?

  •  A : 请求变更资源管理计划,以合并使用虚拟工具在远程环境中集中办公 Request a change to the resource management plan to incorporate the use of virtual tools to replicate colocation in a remote environment
  •  B :检查虚拟团队成员的需求,调查替代方案,并实现虚拟团队成员参与的选项 Examine virtual team member needs, investigate alternatives, and implement options for virtual team member engagement
  •  C :提交变更请求以更新项目管理计划,将项目管理方法从混合式转变成预测性 Submit a change request to update the project management plan to migrate the project management approach from hybrid to predictive
  •  D :将项目暂停直到疫情结束,然后让小组回到现场工作,以遵守资源管理计划 Put the project on hold until the pandemic is over and then bring the team back on-site to comply with the resource management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P357 章节: 如果控制资源过程出现变更请求,或者推荐的纠正措施 或预防措施影响了项目管理计划的任何组成部分或项目 文件,项目经理应提交变更请求。并通过实施整体变更 控制过程(见 4.6节)对变更请求进行审查和处理。 确定变更了,就提交变更,更改资源管理计划。

9、 [多选] 自项目开始以来,作为项目经理同事的职能经理一直公开反对该项目,在讨论项目里程碑交付的团队会议期间,职能经理评论该里程碑没有实现,因为它无法满足质量需求。项目经理应该做什么?
The functional manager as a project manager colleague has publicly opposed the project since the project began, and during a team meeting discussing the delivery of a project milestone, the functional manager commented that the milestone was not achieved because it failed to meet quality requirements. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A :接受他的意见避免与职能经理发生冲突 Accept the opinions to avoid conflicts with functional managers
  •  B :向发起人升级上报该职能经理缺乏协作的能力 Escalate to the sponsor and report that the functional manager lacks the ability to collaborate
  •  C :忽略该职能经理的评论并接受该里程碑 Ignore the function manager's comment and accept the milestone
  •  D : 与职能经理一起审查里程碑的质量验收标 准Review milestone quality acceptance criteria with functional managers

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P286 章节: 质量管理计划:质量管理计划包括(但不限于)以下组成部分: • 项目采用的质量标准; • 项目的质量目标; • 质量角色与职责; • 需要质量审查的项目 可交付成果和过程; 到底有没有满足质量需求, 看质量标准即可。

10、 [多选] 随着项目进行,项目经理会收到相关方的抱怨,他们声称项目状态会议和电子邮件报告太少,无法让相关方了解项目的最新状态。项目经理审查沟通管理计划,并提交变更请求以修改报告状态的方式。项目经理最好在变更请求中包含以下哪项?
As the project progresses, the project manager gets complaints from stakeholders who say that project status meetings and email reports are too infrequent to keep the stakeholders up-to-date with the project's status. The project manager reviews the communications management plan and submits a change request to modify the way the status is reported. Which of the following is best for the project manager to include in the change request?

  •  A : 结合使用信息发射源 Incorporating the use of information radiators
  •  B :终止分发电子邮件报告 Eliminating the distribution of email reports
  •  C :在每日站会汇报项目状况 Reporting project status at the daily standups
  •  D :将项目状态发送给更少的相关方 Sending project status to fewer stakeholders

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P152 章节:术语表 信息发射源:它是一种可见的实物展示其向组织内其他成员提供信息在不干扰团队的情况下即时实现知识共享。 信息发射源一般包括看板、燃尽图、燃起图、障碍日志等 在敏捷项目中,使用可见的实物展示信息更透明化。 C每日站会不报告项目状态。

11、 [多选] 一个只有一位项目经理的小型组织决定从传统的瀑布式项目管理方法过渡到敏捷。然而,相关的组织人员缺乏敏捷方法的经验。该组织选择使用混合生命周期作为过渡战略。还应该做些什么来促进过渡?
A small organization with one project manager decides to transit from a traditional waterfall project management approach to agile. However, the relevant organizational personnel lack experience with agile methodologies. The organization has elected to use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy. What else should be done to facilitate the transition?

  •  A :将现有项目经理替换成经验丰富的外部敏捷教练 Replace the existing project manager with an experienced external agile coach
  •  B :建立指令性项目管理办公室(PMO)来领导过渡 Establish a directive project management office (PMO) to lead the transition
  •  C :将项目经理的角色完全化为敏捷团队的自我管理 Eliminate the project manager's role entirely as agile teams are self-managing
  •  D : 聘请外部敏捷教练协助组织进行过渡 Contract an external agile coach to assist the organization with the transition

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P30 章节:3.1.11 许多团队无法在一夜之间切换到敏捷工作方式。因此,计划一个渐进的过渡是有意义的。 A还需要项目经理 B指令型错误 C暂时无法完全 敏捷化

12、 [多选] 根据沟通管理计划,项目应该使用仪表板向相关方传达信息。一些团队成员在更新他们在仪表板上的项目数据时遇到了一些困难。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
According to the communications management plan, the project should use a dashboard to communicate information to stakeholders. Some team members are struggling to keep their project data current. What is the best action for the project manager?

  •  A :鼓励团队成员尽可能输入任何信息 Encourage team members to enter any information whenever they can
  •  B : 向那些在及时报告上有困难的团队成员提供帮助 Offer help to those team members who are struggling to report on time
  •  C :让团队专注于他们的工作并代表他们报告状态 Have the team focus on their work and report the status on their behalf
  •  D :减少或调整那些无法保持数据最新状态的格式 Reduce or adjust the format of those not able to keep their data current

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P342 章节: 培训:如果项目团队成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。 A,没有意义 C,数据输入还是得 团队成员来 D,先教会成员, 若的确有问题再调整。

13、 [多选] 在一个职能型组织中,一位关键的项目资源在咨询项目经理之前直接与客户进行沟通。这位资源之前经常发生这种问题,该资源已同意所有客户沟通必须先得到项目经理的批准。 项目经理应该怎么做?
In a functional organization, a key project resource communicates directly with the customer without consulting the project manager. This is a common issue for this resource.The resource had agreed that all customer communications would first be approved by the project manager. What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 与该资源的职能经理开会,讨论该资源的行为 Meet with the resource’s functional manager to discuss the resource's behavior
  •  B :召开团队会议以识别并纠正该资源的错误 Conduct a team meeting to identify and correct the resource’s mistake
  •  C :与项目发起人召开会议,以讨论该资源的行为 Hold a meeting with the project sponsor to discuss the resource’s behavior
  •  D :与客户开会以确认所有沟通都应该通过项目经理 Meet with the customer to confirm that all communications should go through the project manager

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P47 章节: 职能型:联络员,无权限; 矩阵型:项目经理,一定权限 ;项目型:项目经理,所有权限 职能型组织中, 团队的行为只能找职能经理沟通。

14、 [多选] 项目团队负责制造 10,000 个小零件。基于集中检查 500 个零件的批次质量是控制质量工具哪一种的实例?
The project team is responsible for creating 10,000 small parts. Basing the quality of the batch on an intensive review of 500 parts is an example of what quality control tool?

  •  A :质量审计 Quality audit
  •  B :帕累托原则 Pareto principle
  •  C : 统计抽样 Statistical sampling
  •  D :检查 Inspection

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P303 章节: 统计抽样:统计抽样是指从目标总体中选 取部分样本用于检查(如从 75 张工程图纸中随机抽取10 张)。 样本用于测量控制和确认质量。抽样的频率和规模应在规划 质量管理过程中确定。 取部分样本进行检查。

15、 [多选] 项目经理正在领导一个正在努力协作的多元文化团队。项目经理一开始将此视为团队建设的典型震荡阶段,但团队未能成功通过该阶段。结果,项目开始落后于进度。项目经理在第一次发现这个问题时应该做什么?
The project manager is leading a multicultural team that is working hard to collaborate. The project manager initially regarded this as a typical shock phase of team building, but the team failed to successfully pass this phase. As a result, the project began to lag behind schedule.What should the project manager do when he first discovers this problem?

  •  A :命令团队成员将他们的分歧放在一边,努力实现共同的项目目标 Order team members to set aside their differences and work towards common project goals
  •  B :让团队成员放心,一旦他们彼此熟悉,冲突便会减少 Reassure team members that conflicts will decrease once they become familiar with each other
  •  C : 召开团队讨论和会议,以处理不同文化的做法和沟通风格 Convening team discussions and meetings to deal with different cultural practices and communication styles
  •  D :确定哪些团队成员造成冲突,并采用循序渐进的纪律处分措施 Determine which team members are causing the conflict and use progressive disciplinary measures

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P338 章节:9.4 塔克曼阶梯理论:形成阶段、震荡阶段、规范阶段、成熟阶段、解散阶段 震荡阶段,项目经理采用教练技术。陪伴团队一起解决问题。

16、 [多选] 敏捷教练协助团队召开会议,对团队刚刚完成的迭代进行反思和调整。教练和团队成员为讨论设置了阶段,创建了迭代过程中发生的事情的共享图片,评估在前一步中生成的数据,并决定如何处理讨论过程中确定的问题。这次会议的下一步应该是什么?
An agile coach facilitates a meeting with the team to reflect and adapt on the iteration the team has just completed. The coach and the team members set the stage for the discussion, create a shared picture of what happened during the iteration, evaluate the data generated in the previous step, and decide what to do about the problems identified during the discussion. What should be the next step in this meeting?

  •  A :执行决策 Implement the decisions
  •  B : 结束会议 Close the meeting
  •  C :演示产品 Demonstrate the product
  •  D :解散参与者 Dismiss the participants

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让 团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 回顾会的三个步骤,反思—改进—计划。题干中步骤完成,结束会议。

17、 [多选] 项目的成本绩效指数(CPI)和进度绩效指标(SPI)均大于1.0 ,项目经理减少投入以保持进度。 在这个过程中,什么会保持不变?
A project’s cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) are both greater than 1.0.The project manager decreases inputs to maintain the schedule.During this process, what remains unchanged?

  •  A :进度 Schedule
  •  B :成本 Cost
  •  C :成本与进度 Cost and schedule
  •  D : 进度基准 Schedule baseline

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P263 章节: 挣值分析:进度绩效指数(SPI)是测量进度效率的一种指标,表示为挣值与计划价值之比,反映了项目团队完成工作的效率。 当 SPI 小于 1.0 时,说明已完成的工作量未达到计划要求;当 SPI 大于 1.0 时, 则说明已完成的工作量超过计划。 只要没有通过变更修改基准,基准就不会变。

18、 [多选] 在一件设备交付到项目现场之后,最终用户投诉产品与预期不同,为避免这种情况,该使用哪一项工具或技术?
After a piece of equipment is delivered to the project site, the end-users complain the product is different from what was expected. To avoid this situation, what tool or technique should manager have used?

  •  A : 检查 Inspection
  •  B :帕累托分析 Pareto analysis
  •  C :多标准决策分析 Multicriteria decision analysis
  •  D :专家判断 Expert judgment

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P166 章节: 检查:检查是指开展测量、审查与 确认等活动,来判断工作和可交付成果是否符合需求和产品验收标准。 通过检查来判断工作和可交付成果是否符合需求和产品验收标准

19、 [多选] 在项目执行期间,项目经理发现在规划期间未考虑政府法规。经过详细分析后,项目经理解决了这个问题。若要阻止再次发生这个问题,项目经理应该做什么?
During project execution, the project manager found that government regulations were not considered during the planning period. After a detailed analysis, the project manager resolved the issue. What should the project manager do to prevent this problem from happening again?

  •  A :将该过程记录在风险登记册中 Record this process in the risk register
  •  B :在问题日志中记录该事项 Record this in the issue log
  •  C : 更新经验教训 Update lessons learned
  •  D :向指导委员会通知解决方案 Inform the steering committee of the solution

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P104 章节: 经验教训登记册: 经验教训登记册可以记录遇到的挑战、问题、意识到的风险和机会,或其他适用的内容。 经验教训登记册在早期创建,在整个项目期间,它可以作为 很多过程的输入,也可以作为输出而不断更新。 经验教训改善未来绩效

20、 [多选] 一个项目涉及来自一个知名供应商的硬件,在项目的中间阶段,该项目经理注意到硬件的质量下降。一名团队成员希望立即开展质量检查。哪一份文件中包含检查规定?
A project involves hardware from a reputable supplier.In the middle of the project,the project manager notice that the quality of the hardware has declined;a team member wants to conduct a quality inspection immediately.What document contains the provisions for inspection?

  •  A : 质量测量指标 Quality metrics
  •  B :风险登记册 Risk register
  •  C :采购合同 Procurement contract
  •  D :绩效报告 Performance reporting

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P287 章节: 质量测量指标: 质量测量指标专用于描述项目或产品属性,以及控制质量过程将如何验证符合程度 质量该怎么检查,检查到什么程度,在质量测量指标里。

21、 [多选] 一个大型项目涉及许多专业团队,在规划期间,项目经理需要团队负责人提供工作量估算以及与任务相关的最终成本。项目经理应该要求团队负责人提供什么?
A large project involves many professional teams, and during planning, the project manager needs the team leader to provide workload estimates and the final costs associated with the task.What should the project manager ask the team leader to provide?

  •  A :单点估算,因为它们更准确并且更容易规划预算 Single-point estimates because they are more accurate and easier to plan your budget
  •  B : 对没有发生风险的任务进行一次估算,对与潜在风险相关的额外成本进行一次估算 Settle once for tasks where no risk has occurred, and estimate the additional costs associated with potential risks
  •  C :基于最佳案例场景分析的单点估算 Single point estimation based on best case scenario analysis
  •  D :估算除风险经理处理之外的风险 Estimating risks other than those handled by the risk manager

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P246 章节: 应急储备: 成本估算包括对完成项目工作可能需要的成本、应对已识别风险的应急储备,以及应对计划外工作的管理储备的量化估算。 应急储备用于已知风险管理储备用于未知风险

22、 [多选] 在每日站会上,项目经理与团队成员逐个交流,询问每个成员已经完成的工作,并批评他们到目前为止团队进展缓慢。会议持续了近一个小时,最后变成了一个状态会议。项目经理应该做些什么来避免下次的站会变成状态会议?
During a daily standup meeting, the project manager goes from one team member to another questioning each one on the work they have accomplished and reprimanding them for the slow progress the team made so far. The meeting lasts for almost an hour and turns into a status meeting. What should the project manager do differently to avoid the next standup meeting turning into a status meeting?

  •  A :使用在会议开始30分钟后配置为报警的计时器 Use a timer configured to alarm 30 minutes after the start of the meeting
  •  B :将开发生命周期从适应型切换到预测 Switch the development life cycle from adaptive to predictive
  •  C : 让团队成员代替项目经理来引导站会 Have a team member to facilitate the standup instead of the project manager
  •  D :只关注阻碍进展的障碍和阻碍的问题 Only focus on issues that represent roadblocks and impediments to progress

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 站会中常见的一个反模式是,站会变成了状态报告会议。 团队可以举办自己的站会。只要体现了团队工作需要的 密切合作,进行顺利,站会便会非常有用。要针对团队 何时需要站会、站会是否有效等问题有意识地做出决定。 站会可以自组织,让团队成员轮流主持。站会非状态报告会。

23、 [多选] 在什么时候通过增加剩余项目的预算(利用业绩表现修正的)达到当前实际的计算EAC的方法最经常使用?
When is the most frequently used method of calculating EAC by increasing the budget of the remaining projects (corrected by performance) to achieve the current actual calculation?

  •  A :在偏离被视为非典型的偏离的时候 Current variances are viewed as atypical ones
  •  B :由于条件发生变化,初始的估计假定不再可信的时候 Original estimating assumptions are no longer reliable because conditions have changed
  •  C : 当前的偏离被视为未来偏离的代表的时候 Current variances are viewed as typical of future variances
  •  D :初始的估计假定被认为存在根本性缺陷的时候 Original estimating assumptions are considered to be fundamentally flawed

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P265 章节: 预测:假设以当前 CPI 完成 ETC 工作。这种方法假设项目将按 截至目前的情况继续进行,即 ETC工作将按项目截至目前的累计成本绩效指数(CPI) 实施。公式:EAC = BAC/CPI。 利用业绩表现修正,说明偏差 具备代表性, 属于典型偏差。

24、 [多选] 一个大型建设项目正处于实施阶段。根据项目进度表,今天项目经理有三个项目新相关方的单独指导会议。 当指导这些相关方时,项目经理可能执行下列哪一个项目管理过程?(选择两个)
A large construction project is in the execution stage. According to the project schedule, today the project manager has individual mentoring sessions with three stakeholders that are new to the project. When mentoring these stakeholders, which of the following project management processes might the project manager be performing? (Choose two)

  •  A :制定项目章程 Develop Project Charter
  •  B :制定沟通管理计划 Plan Communications Management
  •  C :识别相关方 Identify Stakeholders
  •  D : 管理沟通 Manage Communications
  •  E : 建设团队 Develop Team

正确答案:D,E 你的答案:D,E

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P379 章节:10.2 管理沟通:管理沟通是确保项目 信息及时且恰当地收集、 生成、发布、存储、 检索、管理、监督和最终处置的过程。 项目经理按计划做事,说明是在执行阶段,只有DE是执行

25、 [多选] 一个关键相关方坚持团队用正式的文档广泛地记录软件代码。产品负责人解释说,虽然一定数量的文档是必要的,但团队成员最好把时间花在开发软件上,因为这对客户来说代表了最大的价值。产品负责人向相关方解释了以下哪一种敏捷概念?
A key stakeholder insists that the team extensively documents the software code in a formal document. The product owner explains that while a certain amount of documentation is necessary, the team members time is better spent developing the software because it is what represents the most value to the customer. Which of the following agile concepts does the product owner explain to the stakeholder?

  •  A :略微分配 Fractionally assigned
  •  B :服务型领导 Servant leadership
  •  C : 勉强够用 Barely sufficient
  •  D :结对编程 Pair programming

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P9 章节:2.2 工作的软件大于流程和文档。

26、 [多选] 敏捷项目进入第三次迭代。尽管团队坚持遵循敏捷最佳实践,但Scrum主管还是觉得团队动态存在问题。每个团队成员都独立工作,在Scrum活动中,团队成员之间不开放,避免冲突。团队目前在Tuckman开发模型的哪个阶段运行,Scrum主管可以做些什么来帮助团队进入下一个阶段?
An agile project enters its third iteration. Even though the team diligently adheres to agile best practices, the scrum master feels that there is something wrong with the team dynamics. Each team member works independently, and during scrum events, the team members are not open to one another and avoid conflict. In what stage of the Tuckman development model does the team currently operate, and what can the scrum master do to help the team to move onto the next stage?

  •  A :震荡阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队在冲突中找到方向,实现高绩效 Storming; the scrum master needs to help the team navigate the conflict towards high performance.
  •  B :规范阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队将不健康和低效的冲突放在一边 Norming; the scrum master needs to help the team put conflict aside as unhealthy and nonproductive
  •  C :成熟阶段;Scrum主管需要确保冲突得到缓解,以便让团队成员继续工作 Performing; the scrum master needs to ensure conflict is mitigated to keep the team members on task.
  •  D : 形成阶段;Scrum主管需要帮助团队认识到冲突是具生产力且有必要的 Forming; the scrum master needs to help the team acknowledge that conflict is productive and necessary.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P338 章节:9.4 形成阶段:冲突低,信任低 震荡阶段:冲突高,信任低 规范阶段:冲突高,建立信任 成熟阶段:冲突低,信任高 团队成员避免冲突,相互独立,说明不信任对方,但是没有冲突,说明还在形成阶段。

27、 [多选] 最后的项目迭代刚刚开始。在审查信息发射源之后,项目经理意识到团队将无法完成项目计划的所有剩余工作。很明显,如果不增加更多的开发人员,进度基准将无法实现,或者一些工作包将不得不从WBS删除。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
Last project iteration has just begun. After reviewing the information radiators, the project manager realizes that the team will be unable to complete all the remaining work planned for the project. It is evident that without adding more developers, either the schedule baseline will be unattainable, or some work packages will have to be removed from the WBS. What is the best course of action for the project manager?

  •  A :在下次迭代回顾中向团队提出这个问题 Raise the issue with the team at the next iteration retrospective
  •  B : 和产品负责人见面,并建议赶工 Meet with the product owner and suggest crashing the schedule
  •  C :要求Scrum主管找到延迟的根本原因 Request that the scrum master find the root cause for the delay
  •  D :要求团队成员加班以完成所有项目目标 Ask the team to work overtime to meet all the project objectives

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P228 章节: 进度压缩: 采用进度压缩技术(见 节)使进度落后的项目活动赶上计划,可以对 剩余工作使用快速跟进或赶工方法。 从题干来看这是混合型生命周期。会见PO 是为了划分优先级, 赶工是瀑布型做法。

28、 [多选] 在一个项目中,一家公司替换了其CEO,该CEO提出了一项新的五年战略计划。目前的项目完全符合这一新战略,但项目发起人希望修改项目的范围以适应该战略。 项目经理应该做什么?
In a project, a company replaced its CEO, who proposed a new five-year strategic plan. The current project is fully in line with this new strategy, but the project sponsor hopes to modify the scope of the project to suit the strategy.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 要求项目发起人发起变更请求 Ask the project sponsor to initiate a change request
  •  B :修订项目章程,以反映范围变更 Revise the project charter to reflect changes in scope
  •  C :在风险登记册中包含变更的影响 Include the effects of the change in the risk register
  •  D :更新项目管理计划,以包含该变更 Update the project management plan to include the change

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程: 变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给 CCB 审批前,三步骤提出变更-分析影响-提交审批

29、 [多选] 项目经理在项目执行中途负责管理该项目。项目相关方对团队绩效和交付表示担忧。团队成员向项目经理保证,根据批准的范围,项目符合进度计划和预算。 若要管理这项目的相关方,项目经理应查阅哪份文件?
The project manager is responsible for managing the project in the midway of the project. Project stakeholders are concerned about team performance and delivery. The team members assure the project manager that the project is in line with the schedule and budget according to the approved scope. Which document should the project manager review to manage the stakeholders involved in this project?

  •  A : 绩效报告 Performance Report
  •  B :项目管理信息系统 (PMIS)Project Management Information System (PMIS)
  •  C :绩效改进计划 Performance Improvement Plan
  •  D :培训计划 Training Program

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P382 章节: 工作绩效报告: 根据沟通管理计划的定义,工作绩效报告会通过本过程传递给项目相关方可以表现为有助于引起关注、制定决策和采取行动的仪表指示图、热点报告、 信号灯图或其他形式。 相关方担心绩效,就把绩效报告给相关方看,用以引起 关注或制定决策。

30、 [多选] 一名关键项目相关方撤回对项目的财务支持。项目现在资金不足,可能会取消,项目经理应该怎么做?
A key project stakeholder withdraws financial support for the project.The project is currently underfunded and may be cancelled.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 与该项目相关方开会,确定撤回财务支持的原因 To hold a meeting with the project stakeholders to identify the reason for withdrawing financial support
  •  B :与团队一起头脑风暴成本节约方案 To brainstorm cost savings solution with the team
  •  C :寻找愿意提供财务支持的新项目相关方 To find new project stakeholders who are willing to provide financial support
  •  D :与项目发起人开会,建议取消项目 To hold a meeting with the project sponsor, it is recommended to cancel project

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P128 章节: 如果项目在完工前提前终止,则需要在正式的收尾文件中 说明项目终止的原因,并规定正式程序,把该项目的已完成和未完成的可交付成果移交他人。 项目可能中止,是否中止应该由领导决定,项目经理调查原因。

31、 [多选] 在某建设工程项目的地基开挖过程中,对于因气候原因造成的进度延后风险,项目经理采取了风险接受的策略。由于在施工期间下特大雨,工程不得不停工3天。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the foundation excavation of a construction project, the project manager adopts risk acceptance strategy for the delay risk caused by climate reasons. Due to the extremely heavy rain during the construction period, the project has to be suspended for 3 days.

  •  A : 使用应急储备 To use emergency reserves
  •  B :把项目工期延长3天 To extend the project duration by 3 days
  •  C :要求保险公司赔偿 To make a claim to the insurer
  •  D :与团队成员开会讨论处理方案 To meet and discuss with team members for handling solutions

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P443 章节: 接受风险接受是指承认威胁的存在,但不主动采取措施。 接受策略又分为主动或被动方式。最常见的主动接受策略是 建立应急储备。被动接受策略则不会主动采取行动。 最常见的主动接受策略是建立应急储备。

32、 [多选] 在迭代回顾会议上,团队回顾了上一次迭代的各种指标。度量标准包括速度、吞吐量和在制品(WIP)。团队成员分析数据并得出结论,他们的周期时间非常高,应该减少。这个团队向项目经理寻求建议。项目经理最好建议以下哪个选项?
At the iteration retrospective meeting, the team reviews the various metrics from the last iteration. The metrics include velocity, throughput, and work in progress (WIP). The team members analyze the data and conclude that their cycle time is very high and should be reduced. The team approaches the project manager for advice. Which of the following options is the best for the project manager to recommend?

  •  A :减少WIP和吞吐量 Decrease WIP and throughput
  •  B :提高WIP数量、生产速度和生产效率 Increase WIP, velocity, and throughout
  •  C :增加WIP和生产能力 Increase WIP and throughput
  •  D : 减少WIP数量,提高生产能力 Decrease WIP and increase throughput

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P103 章节:A3.4 看板方法: 通过限制在制品将可以提高工作效率和质量。 通过WIP(在制品管理)来提高工作效率与质量。

33、 [多选] 两名项目团队成员经常对项目工作方法产生分歧,若要解决这样的情况,项目经理应该做什么?
Two project team members often disagree on project working methods. What should the project manager do to resolve this situation?

  •  A :与这些团队成员的直接经理进行面对面的会谈 Have face-to-face meetings with the direct managers of these team members
  •  B :审查团队绩效数据以确定这是否影响项目 Review team performance data to determine if this affects the project
  •  C :组织团队建设活动以增强团队关系 Organize team building activities to enhance team relationships
  •  D : 使用冲突管理技能,营造一个积极的工作环境 Use conflict management skills to create a positive work environment

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:348 章节: 冲突管理 :成功的冲突管理可提高生产力,改进工作关系。同时,如果管理得当,意见分歧有利于提高创造力和改进决策。 如果管理得当,有助于提高创造力和改进。

34、 [多选] 一家供应商称因为某项主要功能未包含在约定的范围内,所以未能实施。项目团队不认同这一说法,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A supplier said that a major function could not be implemented because it was not included in the agreed scope. The project team did not agree with this statement. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :将该问题升级上报给项目发起人解决 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for resolution
  •  B :签发一份报价邀请书(RFQ),聘请新的供应商 Issue an invitation to quote (RFQ) and hire a new supplier
  •  C :要求法律部门对供应商采取行动 Ask the legal department to take action on the supplier
  •  D : 审查采购管理计划和合同协议 Review the procurement management plan and contract agreement

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P489 章节: 协议:可包括(但不限于): • 采购工作说明书或主要的 可交付成果; • 进度计划、里程碑,或进度计划中规定的日期; • 绩效报告; • 定价和支付条款; • 检查、质量和验收标准; 范围有歧义, 查看合同中对可交付成果的定义

35、 [多选] 一个将组织从职能组织结构转变为项目导向的项目刚刚启动。 如果项目成功地达到了它的目标,那么最有可能的结果是什么?(选择三个)
A project has just been initiated to transform an organization from a functional organizational structure to project- oriented. If the project is successful in meeting its objectives, what will be the most likely outcome? (Choose three)

  •  A : 组织将从当前状态转移到期望的未来状态。 The organization will shift from the current state to the desired future state.
  •  B : 项目经理将控制项目预算。 The project manager(s) will have control over the project budget.
  •  C :员工将按所做的工作(工程、制造等)分组。 Employees will be grouped by the work being done (engineering, manufacturing, etc.)
  •  D : 项目经理将对项目有更大的权力。 The project manager(s) will have significantly more authority over projects.
  •  E :项目经理的角色将被定义为项目协调员。 The role of the project manager(s) will be defined as a project coordinator.

正确答案:A,B,D 你的答案:A,B,D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P47 章节: 职能型:没有权力 ;弱矩阵:中低权力; 平衡矩阵:平等权力 ;强矩阵:中高权力 ;项目型:全部权力 。 企业成功转型,项目经理拥有全部的权力。

36、 [多选] 下列哪个选项描述的是应急储备金?
Which of the following options describes contingency reserve?

  •  A :为未计划的项目范围和成本变更而储备的预算 Budget reserved for unplanned changes to project scope and cost
  •  B :为掩盖较差的业绩而储备的预算 Budget reserved for covering poor performance
  •  C : 为未计划但是可能由于风险登记册中登记风险成真而潜在要求的变更而储备的预算 Budget reserved for unplanned but potential required changes that can result from realized risks identified in the risk register
  •  D :为支付批准变更所产生的超支费用而储备的预算 Budget reserved for covering cost overrun due to approved changes

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P246 章节: 应急储备: 成本估算包括对完成项目工作可能需要的成本、应对已识别风险的应急储备,以及应对计划外工作的管理储备的量化估算。 应急储备用于已知风险管理储备用于未知风险

37、 [多选] 一位敏捷教练被分配到一个新成立的团队中,负责他们的第一个项目。教练安排了团队,提供了关于敏捷最佳实践的培训,并解释说敏捷团队是自我管理的。然而,团队成员正在努力从看板面板分配用户故事,并且由于缺乏协作,生产力正在受到影响。敏捷教练的最佳行动方案是什么?
An agile coach has been assigned to a newly formed team with their first project. The coach colocated the team, provided training on agile best practices, and explained that agile teams are self-managing. However, the team members are struggling to assign user stories from the Kanban board, and productivity is suffering as a result of the lack of collaboration. What is the best course of action for the agile coach?

  •  A :忽略这个问题,因为敏捷团队应该是自我管理的 Ignore the problem as agile teams are supposed to be self-managing.
  •  B :从现在开始,将用户故事标记给各个团队成员 Assign the user stories to individual team members from now onward
  •  C :将团队章程替换为更有生产力的项目团队的章程 Replace the team charter with one from a more productive project team.
  •  D : 采取更直接的方法,由于团队仍处于形成阶段 Take a more directive approach since the team is still in its forming stage.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P338 章节:9.4 塔克曼阶梯理论:形成阶段 、 震荡阶段 、规范阶段、成熟阶段 、 解散阶段 形成阶段,敏捷教练应该指导团队。

41、 [多选] 在编制人力资源计划时,项目经理发现来自职能部门的一名成员需要经过3天的培训,才能具备某种特定的技能,来完成某个特定的工作包。由于专业的限制,项目团队中没有其他人可以替代该成员。项目经理应该怎么做?
When preparing the HR plan, the project manager finds that a member from a functional department master a particular skill only after receiving three-day training to complete a specific work package. Due to limitation of profession, no other in the project team can replace this member. Then, what should the project manager do?

  •  A :在项目进度计划中增加3天时间 To add extra 3 days in the project schedule
  •  B :要求他利用业余时间完成这3天的培训 To request him to complete the 3-day training in his spare time
  •  C : 把该培训作为项目工作之一,加入项目计划中,并进行风险分析 To take the training as one of the project tasks, to participate in the project plan, and to perform risk analysis
  •  D :要求用一个不需培训的成员来替换该成员 To require a member who doesn’t need to receive this training to replace the member

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P342 章节: 培训:如果项目团队成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把 对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。 项目经理按敏捷方式来,团队没有,说明团队没有掌握 敏捷方法的技能。

42、 [多选] 项目经理正在管理一个关键项目,该项目的范围已经最终确定并获得批准,在项目执行中,客户建议一项变更,但该变更将影响基准,并需要额外的20, 000美元和四周时间,客户认为有必要进行变更,但不同意调整时间表和预算。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager is managing a key project, the scope of the project has been finalized and approved, and during project execution, the client proposes a change, but the change will affect the baseline and will require an additional $ 20,000 and four weeks , The client believes that a change is necessary, but does not agree to adjust the timetable and budget. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :拒绝该变更,因为超出范围 Reject the change because it is out of scope
  •  B :更新进度计划,以包含该变更 Update the schedule to include the change
  •  C : 向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交该请求 Submit the request to the Change Control Board (CCB)
  •  D :分包该变更以降低成本 Subcontract the change to reduce costs

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程,变更提出后, 先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给 CCB 审批前,三步骤提出变更-分析影响-提交审批

45、 [多选] 在新目标国家推出产品前不久,公司意识到该产品并不完全符合当地的数据隐私法。由于预算限制,公司管理层要求项目团队将可能的罚款成本与返工成本进行比较。返工的一部分包括向产品待办事项列表中添加新需求。在这种情况下,下面哪个选项最有可能帮助到你?
Shortly before rolling out a product in a newly targeted country, a company realizes that the product does not fully comply with local data privacy laws. Due to budget constraints, the company management asks the project team to compare costs for possible fines with costs for rework. Part of the rework would involve adding new requirements to the product backlog. In this situation, which of the following is most likely to help?

  •  A :重构 Refactoring
  •  B :用户画像 Personas
  •  C : 阶段关口 A phase gate
  •  D :快速跟进 Fast tracking

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P18 章节:1.2.4 阶段关口: 为做出进入下个阶段、进行整改或结束项目集或项目的决定,做的阶段末审查。 审查一个阶段末的问题,做成本效益分析,以决定下个 阶段的项目。

48、 [多选] 生产过程运行图中有 8 个点,其中有一个点在控制界限以外,项目经理如何解读?
How should a project manager interpret an 8-point run in a process with 1 point located out of control limit?

  •  A :这属于正常情况,不用采取行动 It is a normal situation, nothing should be done
  •  B :应放宽控制范围 Control limits should be widened
  •  C : 这属于不正常情况,生产流程需改进 It is an abnormal situation; production processes should be corrected
  •  D :这是一个警告信号,质量标准系统需升级 It is a warning signal; quality measurement systems should be updated

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P304 章节: 控制图: 控制图用于确定一个过程是否稳定,或者是否具有可预测的绩效 产线的运行是一个过程,运用控制图监控整个过程

50、 [多选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
One project needs to manufacture and install an equipment. This equipment has been manufactured in a foreign factory. According to the established plan, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site within two weeks and will be installed there. According to what happened lately, the project manager considers that the equipment may not arrive at the site on schedule. What should he do right now?

  •  A :立即将这个问题和推迟情况通知客户 To inform the client of this issue and delay immediately
  •  B : 确定这一事件对项目成本和进度的影响 To ascertain the impact of this event on project cost and progress
  •  C :使用风险储备从当地购买设备,以便按时开始安装 To use risk reserves to purchase the equipment from local manufacturer, in order to start installation on schedule
  •  D :召开团队会议,制订变通方案 To hold a team meeting and to work out a workaround plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P419 章节:11.3 实施定性风险分析是通过评估单个项目风险发生的概率 和影响以及其他特征,对风险进行优先级排序,从而为 后续分析或行动提供基础的过程。 识别完风险后要定性分析

51、 [多选] 项目经理应在哪里存档所有相关项目文件和经验教训?
Where should the project manager archive all relevant project documents and lessons learned?

  •  A :工作授权系统 Work authorization system
  •  B : 项目管理信息系统 (PMIS)Project Management Information System (PMIS)
  •  C :项目数据管理系统 Project Data Management System
  •  D :配置管理系统 Configuration Management System

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P103 章节: 项目管理信息:系统项目管理信息系统通常包括文档管理系统。 文档类的内容都存储在项目管理信息系统中。

54、 [多选] 项目经理与关键相关方进行了成本效益分析研讨会,以确定项目边界并证明其合理性。在审核结果后,项目经理发现预期收益的值不一致。 项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager held a cost-benefit analysis workshop with key stakeholders to establish and justify project boundaries.After reviewing the results,the project manager found inconsistent values with expected benefits. What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 接洽相关方,以确认所提供的值与项目范围一致 Engage with stakeholders to confirm that provided values align with the project's scope
  •  B :根据相关方提供的值修改项目范围,并更新项目章程 Revise the project's scope based on stakeholder-provided values,and update the project charter
  •  C :计算不一致值的平均值,并更新分析以符合预期收益 Compute the average of the inconsistent values,and update the analysis to align with expected benefits
  •  D :将该不一致性记录为一项风险,并假设风险与风险管理计划中列出的预期收益一致 Log the inconsistencies as a risk,and assume that the risk aligns with the expected benefits outlined in the risk management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P77 章节: 一般情况下,商业论证会包含商业需求和 成本效益分析,以论证项目的合理性并 确定项目边界。 商业论证过程发现问题,不能自行处理,因此排除BC,D假设一致也有问题。

55、 [多选] 项目经理通知敏捷团队成员,由于意外的个人问题,产品负责人将不能参加即将到来的冲刺审查。这种情况下最可能的结果是什么?
A project manager informs the agile team members that, due to unexpected personal issues, the product owner will be unable to attend the upcoming sprint review. What would be the most likely outcome of this situation?

  •  A : 不清楚团队在冲刺期间开发的产品增量是否被接受 It will be unclear whether the product increment developed by the team during the sprint is accepted or not
  •  B :团队无法确定他们用于开发产品的过程是否需要改进 The team will be unable to determine if the process they used to develop the product needs improvement
  •  C :不会产生任何严重后果,因为产品负责人缺席了一次冲刺审查会议 There will be no significant consequences as a result of the product owner missing one sprint review meeting
  •  D :无法确定项目团队在最新冲刺期间增加了多少价值 It will be impossible to determine how much value has been added by the project team during the latest sprint

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审 :当团队以用户故事的形式完成特定功能时,团队会定期展示工作产品。看过展示后,产品负责人接受或拒绝故事。 PO决定接受或拒绝故事,PO来不了,就验收不了。

58、 [多选] 一个大型房地产开发项目的项目经理意外离职,任命了新项目经理,进度计划仅受到了一个月的影响。这使用的是什么风险应对策略?
The project manager of a large real estate development project unexpectedly leaves the Company and a new project manager has been appointed. The schedule is only affected by one month. What risk response strategy is used here?

  •  A :转移 Transfer
  •  B : 减轻 Mitigation
  •  C :回避 Avoidance
  •  D :接受 Acceptance

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P443 章节: 减轻:采用较简单的流程 进行更多次测试 选用更可靠的卖方 原型开发 在一个系统中加入冗余部件 降低了对项目的影响,属于减轻。

59、 [多选] 项目经理意识到项目相关方对项目可交付成果和时间表感到担忧。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager realizes that project stakeholders are apprehensive about project deliverables and timelines.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 与每个相关方开会,以了解他们的担忧 Meet with each stakeholder to gain an understanding of their concerns
  •  B :重新审视项目管理计划,以减少相关方的顾虑 Review the project management plan to reduce stakeholder uncertainties
  •  C :要求发起人让相关方放心 Ask the sponsor to reassure the stakeholders
  •  D :与相关方一起查阅假设日志 Review the assumption log with the stakeholders

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P524 章节:13.2 在管理相关方参与过程中,需要开展多项活动,例如: • 在适当的项目阶段引导相关方参与,以便获取、确认或维持他们对项目成功的持续承诺; • 通过谈判沟通管理相关方期望; • 处理与相关方管理有关的任何风险或潜在关注点,预测相关方可能在未来引发的问题; • 澄清和解决已识别的问题 管理相关方参与要积极主动、当面解决问题。不回避, 不随便找发起

61、 [多选] 项目经理正在与一个供应商合作交付项目的一部分,该供应商的每周状态报告表明将按时提供下一个可交付成果。但最近的供应商电子邮件却表明他们尚未开始工作。可交付成果要求于下周交付。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is working with a supplier to deliver part of the project, and the supplier's weekly status report indicates that the next deliverable will be provided on time. However, the latest supplier email indicates that they have not started work. Requested to be delivered next week.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A : 更新风险登记册并监控供应商的风险 Update the risk register and monitor supplier risk
  •  B :要求该供应商在所有未来沟通中包含完成率 Require the supplier to include completion rates in all future communications
  •  C :致电该供应商,以便在可交付成果到期日之前审查关注的领域 Call the supplier to review the areas of interest before the deliverable due date
  •  D :通知该供应商有关延迟交付的处罚条款 Call the supplier to review the areas of interest before the deliverable due date

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P501 章节: 监督采购的输入风险登记册:每个被选中的卖方都会带来特殊的风险。随着早期风险的过时以及新风险的出现,在项目执行期间对风险登记册进行变更。 供应商还未开始做,是一个风险,当做风险跟踪即可。C,绩效审查是审查结果而非未发生的过程。

62、 [多选] 一家组织正在几个不同的国家/地区执行一个大型业务转型项目。相关方包括来自不同文化背景和年龄组的经理,项目信息主要通过电子邮件和社交媒体沟通。一个相关方抱怨说他们没有充分获得项目进展情况的通知。项目经理应该做什么?
An organization is implementing a large business transformation project in several different countries. The parties include managers from different cultural backgrounds and age groups, and project information is mainly communicated via email and social media. One party complained that they did not get full notification of project progress.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :在所有项目会议中包含相关方 Include interested parties in all project meetings
  •  B :要求相关方定期查收电子邮件 Relevant parties are required to check emails regularly
  •  C :建立深层次的信任关系 Build deep trust relationships
  •  D : 遵循多方面的沟通方法 Follow a variety of communication methods

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P364 章节:10 沟通管理的发展趋势和新兴实践:制定项目相关方沟通策略时,通常应考虑所有可用技术,并从中作出选择;同时也应尊重因文化、实践和个人背景而产生的对沟通偏好。多面性方法能够提高与不同年代和文化背景的相关方沟通的效果。 凡信息,找沟通

64、 [多选] 项目经理参与了多个产品实施项目。这些项目的主要任务是设置许多产品配置项。这是由一个分包商手动完成,但该分包商具有由于配置错误而导致可交付成果被拒绝的记录。 项目经理应该使用什么工具或技术来对可交付成果进行质量控制?
The project manager is involved in multiple product implementation projects. The main task of these projects is to set many product configuration items. This is done manually by a subcontractor, but the subcontractor has rejected deliverable due to configuration errors Records. What tools or techniques should the project manager use to quality control deliverable?

  •  A :统计抽样 Statistical sampling
  •  B : 核对单 Checklists
  •  C :根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
  •  D :问卷调查 Questionnaire survey

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P302 章节: 核对单:有助于以结构化方式管理控制质量活动。 有许多配置项, 需要核对单对供应商完成的配置项目一一检查。

65、 [多选] 团队成员必须按照进度基准来完成一个复杂项目的可交付成果。但是,由于一些团队成员被其他职能经理分配给其他任务,导致项目落后。 若要将项目拉回正轨,项目经理应该做什么?
Team members must complete deliverables on a complex project per the schedule baseline.However,the project is falling behind because some team members are assigned other tasks by their functional managers. What should the project manager do to get the project back on track?

  •  A :告知团队成员,他们只能被分配到一个项目上工作 Advise team members that they are allocated to only one project
  •  B :提醒团队成员,将功能性任务视为第二优先事项 Remind team members to treat functional tasks as a second priority
  •  C :遵循并执行资源管理计划 Follow and enforce the resource management plan
  •  D : 与职能经理协商,就资源分配达成共识 Negotiate with the functional members to mutually agree on resource allocation

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P332 章节: 谈判:职能经理。 确保项目在要求的时限内获得最佳资源,直到完成职责。 执行组织中的其他项目管理团队。合理分配稀缺或特殊资源。 外部组织和供应商。提供合适的、稀缺的、特殊的、合格的、经认证的或其他特殊的团队或实物资源。特别需要注意与外部谈判有关的政策、惯例、流程、指南、法律及其他标准。 获取资源,优先

66、 [多选] 项目经理与多位高管相关方一起参与一个生命周期替换项目,其中一位相关方强烈反对该项目。若要获得该相关方的支持,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager joins a life cycle replacement project with multiple executive stakeholders,one stakeholders is strongly against the project.What should the project manager do to gain the stakeholders'support ?

  •  A :制定权力/影响力方格,以确定该相关方影响项目的能力并确认其支持 Develop A power/influence grid to determine the stakeholders’ ability to influence the project and confirm its support
  •  B :创建相关方参与计划,以确定该相关方的项目支持水平 Create a stakeholder engagement plan to determine the stakeholder’s level of project support
  •  C :将该问题升级上报给项目推动者,并请求替换一个支持该项目的相关方 Escalate the issue to a project champion and request an alternate stakeholder that will support the project
  •  D : 执行相关方分析,以确定缺乏项目支持的原因并对这些原因进行优先级排序 Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize reasons for the lack of project support

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P512 章节: 相关方分析: 相关方分析会产生相关方清单和关于相关方的各种信息, 例如,在组织内的位置、在项目中的角色、与项目的利害关系、期望、态度(对项目的支持程度),以及对项目信息的兴趣。 先进行相关方分 析,再更新参与 计划。B在D后面。 A确认其支持 不对。

67、 [多选] 在迭代期间,敏捷团队的成员从迭代待办事项列表的顶部提取工作项。工作项描述了接下来要开发的功能。当团队成员阅读描述时,她意识到这些信息不足以开发该功能。团队成员向Scrum主管寻求建议。Scrum主管应该推荐什么做法?
During an iteration, a member of an agile team pulls the work item from the top of the iteration backlog. The work item describes a feature to be developed next. As the team member reads the description, she realizes that the information is insufficient to develop the feature. The team member approaches the scrum master for advice. What should the scrum master recommend?

  •  A :根据可用信息开发功能 Develop the feature based on the available information
  •  B :执行体系结构刺探 Perform an architectural spike
  •  C :将事项返回到待办事项列表并选择另一个事项 Return the item to the backlog and select another one
  •  D : 咨询产品负责人 Consult with the product owner

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人 Product Owner: 创建待办列表并排序、 确认工作优先顺序、 提供反馈、 指导开发方向。 待办列表的中用户故事没有描述清楚,要找PO确认。

69、 [多选] 你正在管理一个项目,该项目将为你的客户提供电子学习解决方案。这个项目的需求在一开始并未明确定义,并且随着项目的发展会根据客户的反馈进行修改。你决定做尽可能多的计划,并在继续计划的同时开始创建工作。下列哪一种技术在定义项目活动时最有帮助?
You are managing a project which would provide e-learning solutions to your customer. The requirements of this project are not clearly defined in the beginning, and there would be modifications based on customer feedback as the project evolves. You decide to plan as much as you can and begin to create work while continuing the planning. Which of the following techniques would be most helpful while defining activities for the project?

  •  A : 滚动式规划 Rolling Wave Planning
  •  B :模板 Templates
  •  C :极限编程 Extreme Programming
  •  D :准时制生产方式 Just in Time

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P160 章节: 滚动式规划: 要在未来远期才完成的可交付成果或组件,当前可能无法分解。项目管理团队因而通常需要等待对该可交付成果或组成部分达成一致意见,才能够制定出 WBS 中的相应细节。这种技术有时称做滚动式规划。 滚动式规划符合项目渐进明细的特点 C是软件开发技术 而非项目规划技术

70、 [多选] 在最后一次迭代结束的前几天,团队通知项目经理,他们将无法完成两个工作包A和B,因为WBS不够完善。团队认为他们可能能够按时完成包A,但需要额外一周的时间来完成包B,后者的优先级更高。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
A few days before the end of the last iteration, the team informs the project manager that they will be unable to finish two work packages, A and B, because the WBS is insufficiently refined. The team thinks they might be able to complete package A on time but will need an additional week to complete package B which has a higher priority. What is the best course of action for the project manager?

  •  A :扩展迭代长度以完成包A和B Extend the iteration length in order to finish both packages A and B
  •  B :指示团队完成包B,因为它具有更高优先级 Instruct the team to complete package B since it has a higher priority
  •  C :指示团队完成包A,因为它可以及时完成 Instruct the team to complete package A since it can be done on time
  •  D : 咨询产品负责人并做出相应的决定 Consult with the product owner and make a decision accordingly

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人 Product Owner :创建待办列表并排序、 确认工作优先顺序 、提供反馈 、指导开发方向 。 产品负责人来确定需求的优先级。

71、 [多选] 过去六个月中,项目经理一直在努力定义项目的范围。项目团队一直与客户合作,对需求进行小幅调整,但耗时超过预期。 若要完成范围定义,项目经理应该做什么?
For the past six months,a project manager has struggled with defining a project’s scope.The project team has been working with the customer to make small adjustments to the requirements but is taking longer than expect. What should the project manager do to complete the scope?

  •  A : 安排召开研讨会,就最终需求达成一致意见 Facilitate a workshop to agree on the final requirements
  •  B :为团队提供有关需求收集的最佳实践培训 Provide training to the team on collecting requirements best practices
  •  C :召开数据收集会议,以审查收集到的需求 Conduct a data-gathering meeting to review the collected requirements
  •  D :与团队一起在内部最终确定需求,并分享给客户 Internally finalize the requirements with the team,and share them with the client

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P153 章节: 引导:在研讨会和座谈会中使用引导技能来协调具有不同期望或不同专业知识的关键相关方, 使他们就项目可交付成果以及项目和产品边界达成跨职能的共识。 引导相关方达成跨职能的共识。

72、 [多选] 在项目会议期间,一个团队发现三个月前关闭的问题仍然处于活跃状态,并对项目的预算产生负面影响。若要防止这种情况再次发生,项目经理可以做什么?
During a project meeting,a team discovers that an issue closed three months ago is still active and negatively impacting the project's budget.What should the project manager do to avoid this from reoccurring?

  •  A :要求团队监督潜在问题 Ask the team to monitor potential issues.
  •  B :将该问题作为一项风险记录在风险登记册中 Document the issue as a risk in the risk register
  •  C : 更新问题日志,并监督纠正措施 Update the issue log,and monitor corrective actions
  •  D :将会议纪要就近保存,以跟踪所有问题 Keep meeting minutes nearby to track all issues

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P96 章节: 问题日志 :问题日志可以帮助项目经理有效跟进和管理问题,确保它们得到调查和解决。作为本过程的输出,问题日志被首次创建,尽管在项目期间任何时候都可能发生问题。在整个项目生命周期应该随同监控活动更新问 题日志。 问题解决以后,要更新问题日志,同时审查问题是否真正关闭。

73、 [多选] 一个敏捷团队的四名成员在同一地点工作,另外两名成员在家远程工作。项目经理希望为团队成员购买办公用品和其他物理和数字工具,以支持他们的日常工作,支持协作,并促进敏捷最佳实践的使用。项目经理最好购买以下哪一项?
Four members of an agile team are co-located while two others work remotely from home. The project manager wants to purchase office supplies and other physical and digital tools for the team members to support their day-to-day work, enable collaboration, and promote the use of agile best practices. Which of the following is best for the project manager to buy?

  •  A :白板、索引卡、便签、活动挂图 Whiteboards, index cards, sticky notes, flip charts
  •  B :即时通信应用、网络摄像头、麦克风 Instant messaging applications, web cameras, microphones
  •  C :甘特图和项目管理信息系统 Gantt charts and project management information system
  •  D : 白板、索引卡、便利贴、网络摄像头、麦克风 Whiteboards, index cards, sticky notes, web cameras, microphones

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:103 章节:A3.4 看板方法:“看板”一词按字面翻译为“视觉符号”或“卡”。带有卡片的物理看板面板能够推动和实现整个系统中工作流的可视化,让每个人都可以看到。该信息发射源(大型显示屏)包含许多列,表示需要完成的工作流的状态。 A没有网络设备、 B没有本地设备、 C非敏捷。

74、 [多选] 由于内部需求,项目主题专家(SME)的职能经理要求项目发起人更新负责该地区的项目主题专家(SME),该SME对该项目十分关键,他的决定将对项目的进度计划产生严重风险。项目经理应该做什么?
Due to internal needs, the functional manager of the project subject matter expert (SME) asked the project sponsor to update the project subject matter expert (SME) in charge of the area. This SME is critical to the project, and his decision will pose a serious risk to the project schedule.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 请求与项目发起人及职能经理开会 Request a meeting with the project sponsor and functional manager
  •  B :释放该SME并更新项目进度计划 Release the SME and update the project schedule
  •  C :与该SME交谈,请求其留在项目中 Talk to the SME and ask it to stay in the project
  •  D :向项目发起人请求提供额外资金以聘请一位新SME Ask the project sponsor for additional funding to hire a new SME

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P329 章节:9.3 获取资源的重要性:不能获得项目所需的资源时,可能会影响项目进度、预算、客户满意度、质量和风险;资源 或人员能力不足会降低 项目成功的概率,最坏的情况可能导致项目取消。 专家不可或缺,先考虑找职能经理协商

75、 [多选] 当一个关键相关方向项目经理提出一个新要求时,敏捷团队正在进行冲刺的中途。相关方声称该要求是必须具备的。变更管理计划规定所有的变更都应该通过变更控制委员会(CCB)。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
An agile team is midway through a sprint when a key stakeholder approaches the project manager with a new requirement. The stakeholder claims that the requirement is must-have. The change management plan provides that all changes should pass through the change control board (CCB). What is the best course of action for the project manager?

  •  A :重新确定当前冲刺待办事项列表的优先级,并指导项目团队开发新的必须拥有的需求 Reprioritize the backlog of the current sprint and instruct the project team to develop the new must-have requirement
  •  B :拒绝要求,因为新的要求只能由产品负责人和变更控制委员会提出 Reject the requirement since new requirements can be requested only by the product owner and change control board
  •  C :举行一次冲刺回顾,以确定为什么在收集需求过程中没有确定需求 Hold a sprint retrospective to determine why the requirement was not identified during the Collect Requirements process
  •  D : 邀请相关方与产品负责人讨论新的需求,并让他们提交变更请求 Ask the stakeholder to discuss the new requirement with the product owner and have them submit a change request

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P26 章节:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征: 对于整个项目,没有必要使用单一的方法。为达到特定的目标,项目经常要结合不同的生命周期要素。预测、迭代、增量和/或敏捷方法的组合就是一种混合方法。 敏捷团队,由PO负责 讨论变更。有CCB,说明明是 混合生命周期,因此 确认好再提出变更。

76、 [多选] 项目交付日期前两天,项目发起人希望核实是否所有可交付成果均满足业务目标以及在项目生命周期过程中是否已应用所有变更。项目经理从开始就知道文档齐全。项目经理应该向项目发起人提供什么文件?
Two days before a project’s delivery date. The project sponsor wants to verify that all deliverable meet the business objectives, and that all the changes were applied throughout the project life cycle. The project manager knows that the project has been well documented from the beginning. What should the project manager provide to sponsor?

  •  A :项目管理计划的所有版本 All versions of the project management plan
  •  B : 需求跟踪矩阵 Requirement traceability matrix
  •  C :项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
  •  D :项目章程副本 copy of the project charter

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P149 章节: 需求跟踪矩阵:把产品需求从其来源连接到能满足需求的可交付成果的一种表格。 把每个需求与业务目标或项目目标联系起来 ; 需求跟踪矩阵提供了在整个项目生命周期中跟踪需求的 一种方法; 需求跟踪矩阵还为管理产品范围变更提供了框架。 需求跟踪矩阵从来源链接到可交付成果;为产品范围变 更提供了框架

77、 [多选] 已经决定使用敏捷框架来管理项目。项目正在实施中。在这种适应性环境中,项目经理应该关注什么?
It has been decided that a project will be managed using an agile framework. The project is now in execution. In this adaptive environment, what should be the focus of the project manager?

  •  A :执行详细的产品计划和交付 Performing detailed product planning and delivery
  •  B : 建立合作决策的环境 Building a collaborative decision-making environment
  •  C :要求项目团队对截止日期负责 Holding the project team accountable for deadlines
  •  D :计划在每次迭代中将完成什么 Planning what will be accomplished during each iteration

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P34 章节:4.2.1 仆人式领导的职责: 仆人式领导通过管理关系,在团队内和组织中建立沟通与协作。这些关系可以帮助领导在 组织中得心应手地为团队提供支持。这种支持有助于消除障碍,促进团队理顺过程。 仆人式领导创造协作的环境

78、 [多选] 在一个项目的早期阶段,项目经理与许多相关方开会,就项目的目标、关键可交付成果和预算达成共识。项目经理现在可以完成哪份文件?
In the early stages of a project, the project manager meets with many interested parties to reach consensus on the project's goals, key deliverable, and budget. Which document can the project manager complete now?

  •  A :项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  B :商业论证 Business case
  •  C : 项目章程 Project charter
  •  D :可行性计划 Feasibility plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P81 章节: 项目章程:项目章程是由项目启动者或发起人发布的,正式批准项目成立,并授权项目经理使用组织资源开展项目活动的文件。它记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息。项目章程的三个作用。

80、 [多选] 你的项目团队成员总是抱怨没有项目团队的整体感,因为他们分别在不同地方工作。为了改善这种情况,你设计了一个项目口号并将其印在 T 恤衫上来提高大家的集体感,但这一做法没有起到多大作用。你下一步要怎么做?
The team members on your project have been complaining that do not have sense of identity as a team because they are located in different areas of the building. To remedy this situation, you developed a project logo and had it printed on T-shirts to promote the project, but this action has not worked. What are you going to do next?

  •  A :印发时事通信 Initiate a newsletter
  •  B :创造一种关于这个项目的神秘感 Create an air of mystery about the project
  •  C : 建立一个“作战室” Establish a war room
  •  D :发布一个关于团队成员应如何同主要相关方相互合作的指导方针 Issue guidelines on how team members should interact with other stakeholders

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P339 章节: 集中办公:集中办公是指把许多或全部最活跃的项目团队成员安排在同一个物理地点工作,以增强团队工作能力。集中办公既可以是临时的(如仅在项目特别重要的时期),也可以贯穿整个项目。实施集中办公策略,可借助团队会议室、张贴进度计划的场所,以及其他能增进沟 通和集体感的设施。没有整体感,需要使用集中办公的工具创造整体感。

81、 [多选] 高级主管希望开始一项计划,将公司战略和附加价值与业务计划保持一致。应该先创建下列哪一项?
A senior executive wants to start an initiative align the company’s strategy and add business plan. Which of the following should be developed first?

  •  A :项目和产品的详细描述 Detailed description of project and product
  •  B :描述项目可交付成果和创建这些可交付成果所需工作的说明书 Statement describing the project’s deliverables and the work required to create deliverables
  •  C :定义如何执行、监控和收尾项目的项目计划 Project plan to define how the project is executed, monitored and controlled
  •  D : 正式授权一个项目的文件 Document that formally authorizes the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P81 章节: 项目章程: 项目章程是由项目启动者或发起人发布的,正式批准项目成立,并授权项目经理使用组织资源开展项目活动的文件。它记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息。项目要在章程正式批准后才能正式开始。

82、 [多选] 项目经理正在一个职能型组织中管理一个项目,一位关键相关方请求进行一项高影响变更,这将使可交付成果的成本增加50%,变更控制委员会(CCB)尚未成立。但是,项目经理仍然启动变更控制过程。由谁负责批准该变更?
The project manager is managing a project in a functional organization. A key stakeholder requests a high-impact change, which will increase the cost of deliverable by 50%. The Change Control Board (CCB) has not yet been established. However, the project manager still initiates the change control process.Who is responsible for approving the change?

  •  A :项目团队和关键相关方 Project team and key stakeholders
  •  B : 项目发起人和职能经理 Project sponsor and function manager
  •  C :项目经理和职能经理 Project manager and functional manager
  •  D :项目经理和项目团队 Project manager and project team

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 CCB 是一个正式组成的团体,负责审查、评价、批准、推迟或否决项目变更,以及记录和传达变更处理决定。 职能型组织的领导是发起人和职能经理

84、 [多选] 在项目执行阶段,项目经理了解到一些相关方认为已批准的变更是不必要的,所以他们对接受这些变更犹豫不决,这些变更对项目的成本和进度基准影响很小。 项目经理应该做什么?
During a project's execution phase,the project manager learns that some stakeholders are hesitant to accept approved changes because they believe the changes are unnecessary.These changes have minimal effect on the project's cost and schedule baselines. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :将该问题升级上报给高级管理层 Execute the issue to senior management
  •  B :要求变更控制委员会(CCB)重新审查批准的变更 Ask the change control board(CCB)to re-review the approved changes
  •  C : 与这些相关方开会,打消他们的顾虑 Meet with these stakeholders do address their concerns
  •  D :执行这些变更,因为它们的影响微不足道 Execute the changes since their impact is insignificant

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P524 章节:13.2 在管理相关方参与过程中,需要开展多项活动,例如: • 在适当的项目阶段引导相关方参与,以便获取、确认或维持他们对项目成功的持续承诺; • 通过谈判沟通管理相关 方期望; • 处理与相关方管理有关的任何风险或潜在关注 点,预测相关方可能在未来引发的问题; • 澄清和解决已识别的问题。 变更已批准,通过谈判与沟通处理相关方期望。

85、 [多选] 一个施工项目的已批准成本基准包含一些已识别风险的储备。在执行阶段,发生了一次地震,但该项目并未考虑此风险,需要资金进行灾后恢复。项目经理应该做什么?
The approval cost baseline for a construction project includes some identified risk reserves. During the implementation phase, an earthquake occurred, but the project did not consider this risk and required funding for post-disaster recovery.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :无需寻求授权即可变更项目的成本基准,并继续进行项目工作 No need to seek authorization to change the cost basis of the project and continue the project work
  •  B : 向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交申请,以获得额外资金和成本基准变更 Submit an application to the Change Control Board (CCB) for additional funding and cost baseline changes
  •  C :在未咨询CCB的情况下,使用已识别风险的储备来支付灾后恢复成本 Use of identified risk reserves to pay for disaster recovery costs without consulting CCB
  •  D :要求管理层授权将已识别风险的储备用于支付灾后恢复成本 Require management to authorize the use of identified risk reserves for post-disaster recovery costs

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P457 章节: 变更请求:执行监督风险过程后,可能会就成本基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组件提出变更请求,应该通过实施整体变更控制过程(见 4.6 节)对变 更请求进行审查和处理。 使用管理储备需要进行变更。

87、 [多选] 公司计划发布一款新的软件产品以应对市场需求,项目经理组织一次与所有内部项目相关方会议,讨论并整合输入和想法。项目经理执行的是下列哪一项?
A company plans to release a new software product in response to market demand. A project manager organizes a workshop with all internal project stakeholders to discuss and consolidate inputs and ideas. What is the project manager performing?

  •  A :思维导图 Mind mapping
  •  B :决策分析 Decision analysis
  •  C :亲和图 Affinity diagramming
  •  D : 头脑风暴 Brainstorming

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P80 章节: 头脑风暴: 本技术用于在短时间内获得大量创意,适用于团队环境,需要引导者进行引导。头脑风暴由两个部分构成:创意产生和创意分析。 召集所有相关方讨论想法。 ABC启动过程没有此工具

88、 [多选] 发起人担心敏捷项目进展不够快,因为没有发送项目状态报告。发起人向Scrum主管表达他们的担忧。Scrum主管向发起人保证项目正在按计划进行,并邀请发起人参加会议,亲眼看看项目进展。下面哪个会议Scrum主管最有可能邀请发起人?
A sponsor is worried that the agile project does not progress fast enough since no project status reports are being sent. The sponsor approaches the scrum master with their concerns. The scrum master reassures the sponsor that the project is moving ahead as planned and invites the sponsor to attend a meeting and see the progress with their own eyes. Which of the following meetings did the scrum master most likely invite the sponsor?

  •  A :冲刺计划会议 Sprint planning meeting
  •  B :每日站会 Daily standup meeting
  •  C : 冲刺审查会议 Sprint review meeting
  •  D :冲刺回顾会议 Sprint retrospective meeting

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审: 在基于迭代的敏捷中,团队在迭代结束时展示所有已完成的工作项。在基于流程的敏捷中, 团队在需要时展示完成的工作,通常是当完成的功能累积到足以构成一个连贯组合时。团队,包括产品负责人在内,都需要反馈来决定何时需要产品反馈。 审查会议会展示已经完成的产品。然后让相关方评估否接受。

89、 [多选] 项目经理从项目管理办公室(PMO)收到项目绩效评估报告,该报告指出,其中一位相关方认为范围控制很差,但没有提供额外的细节,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager receives a project performance evaluation report from the project management office (PMO). The report states that one stakeholder believe the scope has been poorly controlled, but no additional details is provided. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :无视该反馈,因为没有任何细节可以支持这个问题 Disregard the feedback,since there were no details to support the issue
  •  B :与几位相关方分别讨论该问题,以确定是谁提供了该反馈 Discuss the issue individually with several stakeholder to determine who provided the feedback
  •  C : 在发送工作绩效信息后,与利害相关方开会以获取更多详细信息并说明所感知的问题 After sending work performance information, meet with stakeholders to obtain more detailed and address perceived issues
  •  D :与最高级别的相关方开会,详细说明是如何妥善管理范围的 Meet with the most senior stakeholders to explain in detail how the scope was properly managed

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P524 章节:13.2 在管理相关方参与过程中,需要开展多项活动,例如: • 在适当的项目阶段引导相关方参与,以便获取、确认或维持他们对项目成功的持续承诺; • 通过谈判沟通管理相关方期望; • 处理与相关方管理有关的任何风险或潜在关注点,预测相关方可能在未来引发的问题; • 澄清和解决已识别的问题。 通过谈判与沟通管理相关方的期望 B选项,没必要分别讨论。

90、 [多选] 在项目过程中,项目经理得知一位关键相关方被替换了。虽然新的相关方表达了对项目范围的理解,但他们仍想坚持几项新的需求,而这将影响项目的成本和进度计划。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During the project, the project manager learned that a key stakeholder was replaced. Although the new stakeholders expressed their understanding of the scope of the project, they still wanted to adhere to several new requirements, which would affect the project's cost and schedule.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :请求相关方经理支持保持当前的需求 Ask the relevant party manager for support to maintain current needs
  •  B :通知项目发起人将发生的延迟情况以及将增加的费用 Notify the project sponsor of the delays that will occur and the costs that will increase
  •  C :要求之前的相关方与新的相关方讨论此事 Ask previous parties to discuss the matter with new parties
  •  D : 与新的相关方一起评估项目延迟和成本影响的细节 Evaluate details of project delays and cost impacts with new stakeholders

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程: 变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给CCB。 整体变更控制,提出变更先分析。变更过程要与相关方充分沟通。

92、 [多选] 发起人启动了一个实施正常变更的项目,已识别了项目相关方,并且发起人要求项目经理根据他们的影响力和权力提供相关的参与的政策。项目经理应该做什么?
The sponsor initiated a project that implements normal changes, identified project stakeholders, and the sponsor asked the project manager to provide a relevant participation policy based on their influence and power. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :访谈相关方 Interview with interested parties
  •  B : 使用相关方映射(影响)分析 Use Stakeholder Mapping (Impact) Analysis
  •  C :参考相关方登记册 Reference to Register of Interested Parties
  •  D :使用数据分析技术 Using data analysis techniques

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P512 章节: 权力影响方格:基于相关方的职权级别(权力)、对项目成果的关心程度(利益)、对项目成果的影响能力(影响),或改变项目计划或执行的能力,每一种方格都可用于对相关方进行分类。 与权力/利益方格类似,权力影响也是分成四个区间。

93、 [多选] 一个项目连续错过交付日期,项目团队评估完该情况后,项目经理意识到团队绩效差的原因在于团队成员对于自己的职责缺乏清晰认识。项目经理首先应该关注哪一项?
A project has consistently missed the delivery dates. After assessing the situation with the project manager realizes the poor performance is due to a lack of charity for team member’s responsibilities? What should the project manager focus on first?

  •  A : 创建RACI图 Create a RACI chart
  •  B :巩固领导团队的角色 Consolidate the role of the leadership
  •  C :协商获得具有更高技能的新团队成员 Negotiation for new team member with stronger skills
  •  D :使用奖励和强制权利激励成员 Use reward and coercive power to motivate the team

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P317 章节: 责任分配矩阵: 责任分配矩阵展示项目资源在各个工作包中的任务分配矩阵图能反映与每个人相关的所有活动,以及与每项活动相关的所有人员,它也可确保任何一项任务都只有一个人负责,从而避免职权不清。如果团队是由内部和外部人员组成,RACI 矩阵对明确划分角色和职责特别有用。 角色(人)跟职责(活)之间的关系,找责任分配矩阵。

94、 [多选] 审查问题日志的团队意识到一项关键可交付成果可能会延期,这将影响项目进度计划几个月时间。该项目在公司的投资组合中具有更高的优先级。 项目经理应该做什么?
A team reviewing the issue log realizes that a key deliverable may delayed,which will impact the project schedule by a few months.This project has high priority within the company's portfolio What should the project manager do?

  •  A :在问题日志中描述其影响 Describe the impact in the issue log
  •  B :更新项目的进度基准 Update the project's schedule baseline
  •  C :请求项目发起人的支持 Ask the project sponsor for support
  •  D : 在风险登记册中添加一个新的高概率风险 Add a new,high-probability risk to register

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P417 章节: 风险登记册: 已识别的风险清单、潜在风险责任人 、潜在风险应对措施清单。 识别完风险,将风险登记在册。

95、 [多选] 一个敏捷团队即将开始项目的第一次迭代来为客户开发一个软件应用程序。发起人要求团队与客户紧密协作,以增加项目成功的机会。项目经理应该鼓励以下哪一项来支持发起人的要求?
An agile team is about to begin the first iteration of the project to develop a software application for a customer. The sponsor requests that the team works in close collaboration with the customer to increase the chances of the project's success. Which of the following should the project manager encourage to support the sponsor's request?

  •  A :与客户谈判,制定全面的项目协议 Negotiating with the customer to formulate comprehensive project agreements
  •  B :根据团队成员的动机把工作交给他们,并相信他们能完成工作 Assigning work to the team members based on their motivation and trust them to get the job done
  •  C :指责客户和团队可以无限期地保持恒定的速度 Ensuring that the customer and the team can maintain a constant pace indefinitely
  •  D : 欢迎客户需求的变更,即使是在产品开发的后期 Welcoming changing customer requirements, even late in the development of the product

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P9 章节:2.2 D敏捷拥抱变更; A客户合作大于合同谈判 ;B适合指导团队不适合客户合作

97、 [多选] 项目经理应该使用什么方法来准确收集项目需求,并从多个不同国家的项目相关方获得反馈?
What method should the project manager use to accurately collect project requirement and feedback from stakeholder located in several countries?

  •  A : 问卷调查 Questionnaires and surveys
  •  B :焦点小组 Focus groups
  •  C :引导式研讨会 Facilitate workshops
  •  D :访谈 Interview

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P143 章节: 问卷调查: 指设计一系列书面问题,向众多受访者快速收集信息。 问卷调查方法非常适用于以下情况:受众多样化,需要快速完成调查,受访者地理位置分散,并且适合开展统计分析。 位于不同国家,最好使用问卷调查

98、 [多选] 项目的混凝土供应商通知项目经理,材料将比预定时间晚三个星期交付。项目经理更新了进度计划并通知项目团队。在这种情况下,哪种合同类型承担的风险最小?
A project’s concrete supplier informs the project manager that the material will be delivered three weeks later than scheduled.The project manager update the schedule and notifies the project team. In this situation,what contract type carries the least amount of project risk ?

  •  A :总价加激励费用合同(FPIF) Fixed price incentive fee(FPIF)
  •  B :总价加经济价格调整合同(FPEPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA)
  •  C :工料合同(T&M) Time and material(T&M)
  •  D : 固定总价合同(FFP) Fixed total price contract(FFP)

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P471 章节: 总价合同:此类合同为既定产品、服务或成果的采购设定一个总价。这种合同应在已明确定义需求,且不会出现重大范围变更的情况下使用。 范围明确,要选择固定总价合同

100、 [多选] 一家公司考虑进行开发新移动应用的一个项目。因为目前还不清楚目标用户将如何使用该应用,公司决定开发一个早期版本只有必备功能的增量,。若用户反馈积极,则使用预测性项目管理方法推进全面开发。手机应用的提前发布代表了什么?
A company considers a project to develop a new mobile app. Since it's unclear how will target users adopt the app, the company decides to develop an early release incrementally with only the must-have features, and then, if the feedback from the users is positive, move forward with full-blown development using a predictive project management approach. What does the early release of the mobile app represent?

  •  A :敏捷发布规划 Agile release planning
  •  B : 最小可行产品 Minimum viable product
  •  C :功能完整的原型 Fully functioning prototype
  •  D :工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P23 章节:3.1.3 MVP最小可行产品:完整性和交付是主观的。团队可能需要获得关于原型的反馈, 然后可能选择将最小可行性产 品 (MVP) 交付给部分客户。客户的反馈将帮助团队了解他们 需要为随后交付的最终功能的完善提供些什么。 使用最小可行产品获得客户尽早地反馈。

101、 [多选] 一个新项目即将开始,但两位关键相关方对可交付成果的看法相互矛盾。项目经理应该怎么做?
A new project is about to start, but two key stakeholders have conflicting views on deliverables. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :向相关方提供详细的客户需求 Present detailed customer requirements to the stakeholders
  •  B : 与相关方开会,讨论可交付成果和关键成功标准 Meet with the stakeholders to discuss deliverables and key success criteria
  •  C :制定项目管理计划和项目范围 Develop the project management plan and project scope
  •  D :在项目管理计划中包含不同意见 Include the different opinions in the project management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P80 章节: 会议:在本过程中,与关键相关方举行会议的目的是识别项目目标、成功标准、主要可交付成果、高层级需求、总体里程碑和其他概述信息。 启动阶段的会议与相关方讨论可交付成果以及成功标准。

102、 [多选] 在一个公路施工项中,最近出现了返工的情况,导致项目经理非常担心项目的不一致性成本。项目经理来寻求你的帮助。你能给他的最好的建议是?
In a road construction project, the rework that happened lately makes the project manager very concerned about the inconsistency cost of no-conformance. The project manager turns to you for help. What is the best advice you can offer?

  •  A :重新进行规划质量管理过程 To re-plan the quality management process
  •  B :加强质量控制 To strengthen the quality control
  •  C : 开展质量审计 To perform quality audit
  •  D :开展标杆对照 To carry out benchmarking control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P295 章节: 审计:采取后续措施纠正问题,可以降低质量成本,并提高发起人或客户对项目产品的接受度。 审计可以降低质量成本。

104、 [多选] 在迭代计划过程中,敏捷教练希望确保她的开发团队有一种简单的方法来组织他们的工作,以及在迭代中剩余工作的可视化表示。敏捷教练最好使用以下哪一种工具来实现她的目标?
During iteration planning, an agile coach wants to ensure that her development team has an easy way of organizing their work as well as a visual representation at a glance of the work remaining to be completed in an iteration. Which of the following tools is best for the agile coach to use to accomplish his goals?

  •  A :燃尽图 A burndown chart
  •  B : 任务板 A task board
  •  C :燃起图 A burnup chart
  •  D :一览表 A glance chart

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P105 章节:A3.4 看板面板(如图 A3-2 所示)是一种技术含量低但接触广泛的技术,使用者在一开始时可能会认为其过于简单,但很快便会发现其强大的功能。看板面板利用列进入和退出 策略以及限制在制品等制约因素,可提供一目了然的工作流、瓶颈、 阻碍和整体状态信息。此外,面板可作为面向所有观众的信息发射源,提供团队工作状态的最新信息。 只有看板面板能够 同时规划工作和了解进度。燃尽图和燃起图仅能了解进度。

105、 [多选] 一位先前不活跃的相关方参与程度突然增加,这种意外的参与导致了一些变更请求。项目经理应该做什么?
The involvement of a previously inactive interested party suddenly increased, and this unexpected participation led to some change requests. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :向相关方解释变更请求过程 Explain the change request process to interested parties
  •  B :审查已批准的有关相关方请求的期望 Review approved expectations regarding stakeholder requests
  •  C : 与该相关方开会,以评估变更请求 Meet with the interested party to evaluate the change request
  •  D :要求相关方与发起人讨论这些请求 Ask interested parties to discuss these requests with the sponsor

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程:变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给 CCB 审批前,三步骤提出变更-分析影响-提交审批

107、 [多选] 公司的新产品系列将在两个月内发布,95%的项目任务均已完成。但是,管理层却决定终止产品发布并取消项目。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The Company's new product line will be launched in two months, and 95% of the project tasks have been completed. However, the management decides to terminate the product launch and cancel the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :立即停止所有项目任务 To stop all project tasks immediately
  •  B :按原计划完成项目 To complete the project as per the original plan
  •  C :释放资源并记录项目状态 To release resources and record the project status
  •  D : 收尾项目并更新经验教训 To close the project and update lessons learned

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P127 章节: 收尾流程:如果项目在完工前提前终止,则需要在正式的收尾文件中说明项目终止的原因,并规定正式程序,把该项目的已完成和未完成的可交付成果移交他人。 项目中止,项目经理正常安排收尾,调查原因并总结经验教训

108、 [多选] 一家公司正在几个国家部署一个新的解决方案,已包含安全审计作为每次部署的质量检查组成部分。第一次部署后进行的安全审计结果发现了违反安全的行为以及不合规问题。项目经理应该做什么?
A company is deploying a new solution in several countries and has included security audits as part of the quality check for each deployment. The security audit conducted after the first deployment found security violations and non-compliance issues. What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 组织团队研讨会以执行根本原因分析并定义纠正措施计划 Organize team workshops to perform root cause analysis and define corrective action plans
  •  B :审查质量管理计划,以确认是否包含安全要求 Review the quality management plan to confirm that it includes safety requirements
  •  C :与安全审计员协商降低已发现问题的重要性 Consult with a security auditor to reduce the importance of identified issues
  •  D :验证质量要求与解决方案是否一致,并更新质量管理计划 Verify that the quality requirements and solutions are consistent and update the quality management plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P296 章节: 变更请求:如果管理质量过程期间出现了可能影响项目管理计划任何组成部分、项目文件或项目/产品管理过程的变更,项目经理应提交变更请求并遵循 4.6 节定义的实施整体变更控制过程。 安全问题与不合规问题必须纠正,否则项目不会成功。

109、 [多选] 项目经理发现项目可交付成果与发起人期望之间存在若干不一致之处,为确保一致,项目经理应该制定下列哪一项?
A project manager finds several inconsistencies between project deliverables and sponsor expectations.To ensure alignment,what should the project manager develop?

  •  A :风险登记册 Risk register
  •  B : 相关方参与计划 Stakeholder management plan
  •  C :沟通管理计划 Communications management plan
  •  D :工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划:相关方参与计划是项目 管理计划的组成部分。 它确定用于促进相关方有效参与决策和执行的 策略和行动。 期望不一致,就要持续管理好相关方的期望。

110、 [多选] 项目选择委员必须在项目 A 和项目 B 之间做出选择,项目 A 的投资回报期为 21 个月,项目B 的成本为 175000 美元,第一年的预期正现金流为 75000 美元,之后每季度的正现金流为 50000美元,项目经理应选择哪一个?
The project selection committee must make a choice between project A and Project B, project A has an investment return period of 21 months, the cost of Project B is $175000, the expected positive cash flow for the first year is $75000, and the positive cash flow for each quarter is 50000 USD, which should the project manager choose?

  •  A :项目 A 或项目 B,因为两个项目投资回报期一样 Project A or project B, as two project investment return periods
  •  B :项目 B,因为项目 A 的投资回报期更长 Project B because the investment return period for project A is longer
  •  C :项目 A,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更长 Project A, because Project B has a longer investment return period
  •  D : 项目 B,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更短 Project B because the investment return period for Project B is shorter

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P34 章节: 回收期PBP A=21个月 B=[175000-75000)/50000]*3+12 =18个月 选项目B是因为B的回收期短。

111、 [多选] 为了帮助改善虚拟团队的沟通,项目经理部署了一个在线聊天工具,其中包含了每个人在工作时使用的各种主题的渠道。通常一切安静,但有时突然会有长长的聊天流,谈论许多与项目工作相关或无关的话题。聊天流很容易让人分心,通常很难找到与工作相关的重点。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
To help improve the communication of a virtual team, the project manager deploys an online chat tool with channels for various topics that everyone uses while working. Often, all is quiet, but sometimes, there are sudden long streams of chat about many topics, both related and unrelated to the project work. The chat stream can be quite distracting, and it is often difficult to find important points that relate to work. What is the best course of action for the project manager?

  •  A :什么不做,网上聊天是人们相互了解的一种释放 Nothing. Online chat is a release for people getting to know one another.
  •  B :取消聊天工具,让团队成员改用电子邮件和电话 Eliminate the chat tool and instruct the team to use email and phone instead
  •  C :加入到乐趣中并鼓励团队成员继续这样的对话 Join in on the fun and encourage the team to keep on with this type of conversation.
  •  D : 要求团队使用其他渠道进行与工作无关的对话 Request the team to use another channel for non-work related conversations.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P35 章节: 仆人式领导:促进团队内部和团队之间的合作与对话。例如, 仆人式领导在团队内部和团队之间帮助发现瓶颈问题,并进行相应沟通。然后,团队将解决这些瓶颈问题。此外,促进者还鼓励大家通过交互式会议、非正式对话和知识共享展开协作。 虽然非正式对话相对有益,但是要以不影响工作为前提。

112、 [多选] 在定义活动过程中,一团队成员开始讨论一个项目经理从来没有听过的活动。此时项目经理应该怎么做?
During the Define Activities process, a team member begins to discuss activities that the project manager has never heard discussed. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :确保团队成员理解并将这些活动包含在活动清单里了 Make sure he has a good understanding of the activities and include the activities in the activity list
  •  B : 询问团队成员需要完成这些活动的原因 Ask the team member to explain why such an activity would be needed to complete the work package
  •  C :确认所有团队成员都认同这些活动 Make sure the entire team agrees that the activities should be done
  •  D :评估变更的影响 Evaluate the impact of the change

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P186 章节: 变更请求: 一旦定义项目的基准后,在将可交付成果渐进明细为活动的过程中,可能会发现原本不属于项目基准的工作,这样就会提出变更请求。在这情况下, 应该通过实施整体变更控制过程(见 4.6 节)对变更请求进 行审查和处理。 渐进明细的过程中,会有新的活动进来,先了解分析,必要时变更。

116、 [多选] 你是一个商业写字楼建设项目的项目经理。你知道政府部门发布的相关建筑法规、消防法规等,都是你开展质量管理工作的重要依据。你必须保证项目质量计划符合相关法规的要求。这些法规将产生什么作用?
You are the project manager in charge of a commercial office building project. You understand that the applicable building code and fire regulations issued by the government authorities are the important basis for you to conduct quality management. You must ensure that the project quality plan meets the requirements under applicable regulations. What effect will these regulations have?

  •  A : 是规划质量管理过程的输入 is the input to the planning quality management process
  •  B :有助于进行质量管理革新 contribute to quality management upgrading
  •  C :会导致项目质量成本的上升 will lead to an increase in project quality cost
  •  D :有助于楼房建设质量的优化 contribute to improved quality of building construction

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P280 章节: 事业环境因素: 能够影响规划质量管理过程的事业环境因素包括: • 政府法规; • 特定应用领域的相关 规则、标准和指南; 政府法规是重要的事业环境因素。

117、 [多选] 项目经理加入一个项目,但项目经理在该项目所涉及的行业经验有限,在该项目的整个生命周期中,项目经理精心记录每个差距、问题和不一致性。但是,无论项目经理如何记录和跟踪生产问题,但问题都没有得到解决,这使项目交付面临风险。 若要解决这些问题,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A project manager joins a project in an industry with which they have limited experience.Throughout the project's life cycle,the project manager meticulously documents each gap, problem,and inconsistency.However,production issues remain ,unresolved;regardless of the project manager's efforts to record and track them,which puts project delivery at risk. What should the project manager have done to resolve these issues?

  •  A :调整范围基准和项目进度计划与客户需求保持一致 Aligned the scope baseline and project schedule to the customer's needs
  •  B : 使用主题专家(SMEs)提供适合的应对行动 Used subject matter experts(SMEs) to provide suitable response actions
  •  C :审查相关方的需求与验收标准相匹配 Reviewed stakeholder requirements to match the acceptance criteria
  •  D :检查需求跟踪矩阵,以确保它与可交付成果相联系 Examined the requirements tractability matrix to insure that it linked to the deliverables.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P94 章节: • 关于项目所在的行业以及项目关注的领域的技术知识; • 成本和预算管理; • 法规与采购; • 法律法规; • 组织治理。 看到行业领域的事情,一般都找专家判断。

118、 [多选] 项目经理正在领导一个高度敏感的政府项目,按时交付该项目至关重要。第三方供应商按时交付一个关键项目组件,但不满足规范要求。目前尚不清楚交付的组件是否会按照批准的项目设计进行。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager is leading a highly sensitive government project, and delivering the project on time is critical. A third-party vendor delivered a critical project component on time, but did not meet the specification requirements. It is unclear whether the delivered components will follow the approved project design.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :接受该组件并按时交付该项目 Accept the component and deliver the project on time
  •  B :要求退还该项目的款项,并告知相关方该延迟情况 Request a refund of the project and inform the parties of the delay
  •  C :与客户协商接受不合格的组件 Negotiate with customers to accept substandard components
  •  D : 拒绝该组件并重新订购,并且重新制定项目的进度计划 Reject the component and reorder, and re-schedule the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P498 章节: 绩效审查 :对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析, 以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在 资源或质量问题。 质量不合格,退了重新定。

119、 [多选] 在一个软件开发项目的项目执行阶段举行的评审会议期间, 最终用户和项目发起人对一项关键功能的演示感到满意,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During a review meeting in the project execution phase of a software development project,end users and the project sponsor are pleased with the demonstration of a key feature.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :指示团队进行收益评估 Direct the team to conduct a benefit assessment
  •  B : 请求在用户验收报告上签字 Request sign off on the user acceptance report
  •  C :执行质量管理计划中的活动 Execute activities in the quality management plan
  •  D :更新测试计划以减少测试工作 Update test plans to reduce testing efforts

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P166 章节: 验收的可交付成果: 符合验收标准的可交付成果应该由客户或发起人正式签字批准。应该从客户或发起人那里 获得正式文件,证明相关方对项目可交付成果的正式验收。 这些文件将提交给结束项目或阶段过程 对可交付成果满意的话,要正式签字批准。

120、 [多选] 在准备项目的第四份状态报告时,项目经理了解到客户正在迁移到新系统。客户通知为了保持一致性,以及为了简化项目报告的审查,所有未来的报告均应使用新系统提交。由于原始系统被定义为在进度报告期间使用的软件,因此项目经理将该问题记录为经验教训。将该问题作为经验教训报告的价值是什么?
While preparing a project's fourth status report,the project manager learns that the client is migrating to a system.The client advises that to maintain uniformity,and to ease the review of project report,all future reports should be submitted using the new system,since the origin system was defined as the software to be used during progress reporting,the project manager records this as a lesson learned. What is the value of reporting this as a lesson learned?

  •  A :它可以作为防止法律诉讼的依据 It could be used as a basis for preventing a lawsuit
  •  B :它可被识别为一个可能发生的问题 It can be identified as a possible issue
  •  C :它可以作为建议合同团队保持灵活性的依据 It can be used a basis for recommending contrast-team flexibility
  •  D : 它将有助于防止未来合同中软件规范的遗漏 It will help prevent software specification omissions in future flexibility

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P104 章节: 经验教训登记册:经验教训登记册可以记录遇到 的挑战、问题、意识到的风险和机会,或其他适用的内容。经验教训登记册在早期创建,在整个项目期间,它可以作为 很多过程的输入,也可以作为输出而不断更新。 经验教训改善未来绩效,因此参考经验教训,一般不会犯过去的错误

122、 [多选] 一家公司正在几个国家部署一个新的解决方案。项目经理协商多个虚拟团队,但交付解决方案团队向另一位经理报告工作。在一次组织会议期间,该解决方案团队宣布,由于技术问题,预期解决方案将延迟两个月。项目经理在该会议之前没有意识到这种延迟,现在必须重新制定所有部署的进度计划。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A company is deploying a new solution in several countries. The project manager negotiates multiple virtual teams, but the delivery solution team reports work to another manager. During an organizational meeting, the solution team announced Problem, the expected solution will be delayed for two months. The project manager was unaware of this delay before the meeting and must now reschedule the schedule for all deployments.To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do beforehand?

  •  A :要求直接管理所有团队,以确保监督项目的可交付成果 Requires direct management of all teams to ensure oversight of project deliverable
  •  B :在进度计划中添加特定任务,以解决可能发生的任何未知延迟 Add specific tasks to the schedule to address any unknown delays that may occur
  •  C :确认团队中拥有具备虚拟团队经验的高素质技术专家 Confirm that the team has high-quality technical experts with virtual team experience
  •  D : 确保与所有团队定期举行会议,以分享关键信息并预测问题 Ensure regular meetings with all teams to share key information and predict problems

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P340 章节: 沟通技术 :在解决集中办公或虚拟团队的团队建设问题方面,沟通技术至关重要。它有助于为集中办公团队营造一个融洽的环境, 促进虚拟团队(尤其是团队成员分散在不同时区的团队)更好地相互理解。 虚拟团队的沟通至关重要。

124、 [多选] 项目经理B临时替换休探亲假的项目经理A,在一次每周进度会议期间,项目经理B发现两名团队成员对可交付成果的质量存在冲突,项目经理B审查质量管理计划,发现未明确定义质量标准,难以轻松衡量质量。项目经理B应该做什么?
Project manager B temporarily replaced project manager A who was on vacation. During a weekly progress meeting, project manager B found that two team members had conflicts with the quality of deliverable. Project manager B reviewed the quality management plan and found that it was not clearly defined quality standards make it difficult to measure quality easily. What should Project Manager B do?

  •  A :与两位团队成员交谈以尝试解决争议 Talk to two team members to try to resolve the dispute
  •  B :等待项目经理A回来,然后再指出问题 Wait for project manager a to come back before pointing out the problem
  •  C :保持质量标准,因为这将使可交付成果获得更多的批准 Maintain quality standards, as this will lead to more approval of deliverable
  •  D : 签发变更请求,以更新质量管理计划 Issue a change request to update the quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P306 章节: 变更请求: 如果控制质量过程期间出现了可能影响项目管理计划任何组成部分或项目文件的变更,项目经理应提交变更请求,且应该通过实施整体变更控制过程对变更请求进行审查和处理。 质量不能没标准,发现漏了,要通过变更流程补进去。

127、 [多选] 由于客户认为项目不满足要求,因此不愿对项目签字同意。客户希望对某些可交付成果进行返工,团队不同意,因为这不属于约定项目需求的组成部分。项目经理应该做什么?
The client is unwilling to sign the project because the client believes that the project does not meet the requirements. The client wants to rework some deliverable. The team does not agree because this is not part of the agreed project requirements.What should the project manager do?

  •  A : 审查验收标准和其他项目输出文件 Review the acceptance criteria and other project output documents
  •  B :让团队遵守客户要求,对可交付成果进行返工 Have the team comply with customer requirements and rework deliverable
  •  C :要求团队确定未满足需求的原因 Ask the team to determine the cause of the unmet need
  •  D :请求额外资金以满足对可交付成果进行返工的要求 Request additional funding to meet rework requirements for deliverable

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P165 章节: 范围基准: 用范围基准与实际结果比较,以决定是否有必要进行变更、采取纠正措施或预防措施。 客户说不满足,团队成员说满足。说明把客户需求转为验收标准的过程出了问题。

128、 [多选] 一个开发新药的安全性和有效性可视化的项目正在进行中。Scrum被选为开发方法。在第三次冲刺的中途,项目团队成员发现所提供的数据缺少一个强制性参数。在项目计划期间,获得不完整数据的风险被提前识别并记录在风险登记册中。什么时候是使这个问题浮出水面的最合适的方法?
A project to develop visualizations of the safety and efficacy of a new drug is underway. Scrum has been selected as the development approach. Midway into the third sprint, a project team member finds that the data provided is missing a mandatory parameter. The risk of getting incomplete data was identified and recorded in the risk register earlier, during project planning. When would be the most appropriate approach to surface this problem?

  •  A :问题应作为主题包含来在下次冲刺回顾上进行讨论 The problem should be included as a topic for discussion at the next sprint retrospective.
  •  B : 团队成员应在每日Scrum会议上将问题作为障碍提出来 The team member should raise the issue as an impediment during the daily scrum meeting.
  •  C :在冲刺审查中应演示具有缺失参数的产品增量 The product increment with the missing parameter should be demonstrated at the sprint review.
  •  D :已实现的风险应触发并由规划风险应对过程解决 The realized risk should trigger and be addressed by the Plan Risk Responses process.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P53 章节:5.2.4 每日站会:• 上次站会以来我都完成 了什么? • 从现在到下一次站会, 我计划完成什么? • 我的障碍(或风险或 问题)是什么? 每日站会会提出问题或风险或障碍

129、 [多选] 在即将到来的敏捷项目中,执行组织雇佣了来自不同国家但使用相同语言的开发人员。团队将被安排在同一地点,并且项目经理理解在文化多样性的情况下,提供一个有效沟通和协作的环境将是项目成功的一个重要因素。对项目经理来说,最好的行动方案是什么?
For its upcoming agile project, the performing organization has hired developers of various nationalities but speaking a common language. The team will be colocated, and the project manager understands that given the cultural diversity, providing an environment of effective communication and collaboration will be an important factor in project success. What is the best course of action for the project manager

  •  A :设置虚拟沟通工具 Set up virtual communication tools
  •  B : 为团队提供作战室 Provide the team with a war room
  •  C :只配置私人办公区域不设立公共办公区域 Utilize only caves from the caves and common
  •  D :结合使用Scrum of Scrums Incorporate the use of a scrum of scrums

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P339 章节: 集中办公:集中办公是指把许多或全部最活跃的项目团队成员安排在同一个物理地点工作,以增强团队工作能力。实施集中办公策略,可借助团队会议室、张贴进度计划的场所,以及其他能增进沟通和集体感的设施。 在同一地点, 接下来布置集中办公。

132、 [多选] 项目工作已经完成,且可交付成果已获验收。在项目的质保期内,识别到一个影响环境的缺陷。谁应该负责解决这个问题?
The project work has been completed and the deliverable have been accepted. During the project warranty period, a defect affecting the environment was identified. Who should be responsible for solving this problem?

  •  A :项目经理 Project manager
  •  B :环境部门 Environment department
  •  C :项目发起人 Project sponsor
  •  D : 运营部门 Operation department

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P127 章节: 项目交付的产品、服务或成果: 可转交给另一团队或组织,并由其在整个生命周期中进行运营、维护和支持。 本输出所指的正是把项目交付的最终产品、服务或成果(对 于阶段收尾,则是所在阶段的中间产品、服务或成果)从一个团队转交到另一个团队。 完成项目, 把项目移交出去给运营团队。

134、 [多选] 一家公司总是在项目管理上使用预测法,但是现在项目管理办公室想要结合一些敏捷的最佳实践来产生更早的收益实现。项目经理即将开始为新项目做计划,她担心项目团队不具备在混合环境中工作的能力。项目经理的最佳行动方案是什么?
A company has always utilized a predictive approach to project management, but now the project management office wants to incorporate some agile best practices to generate earlier revenue realization. The project manager is about to begin planning for the new project and is concerned that the project team is not equipped to work in a hybrid environment. What is the project manager's best course of action?

  •  A :授权团队自我组织和学习敏捷最佳实践 Empower the team to self-organize and study agile best practices
  •  B : 向项目管理办公室(PMO)申请培训 Request the training from the project management office (PMO
  •  C :将团队敏捷技能不足的风险添加到风险登记册 Add the risk of the team's inadequate agile skills to the risk register
  •  D :审查敏捷最佳实践的经验教训知识库 Check the lessons learned repository for agile best practices

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P82 章节:6.6.3 敏捷PMO的服务:通过培训和指导发展人才 过渡期间应该安排专业的敏捷培训。

135、 [多选] 在敏捷迭代中,由于意外的挑战,任务1无法按时完成。项目中的另一个团队依赖于任务1的及时完成以完成他们的项目部分。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?
During an agile iteration, Task 1 cannot be completed on time due to unexpected challenges. Another team within the project is depending on timely completion of Task 1 in order to fulfill their part of the project. How should the Project Manager resolve this issue?

  •  A :分别与两个团队会面,让他们想出一个方法来满足要求的最后期限并按时完成项目 Meet with both teams separately and ask them to figure out a way to meet the required deadlines and complete the project on time
  •  B : 与产品负责人会面,重新确定迭代待办事项列表的优先级,以免影响其他团队或义务 Meet with the product owner to reprioritize the iteration backlog so that it does not impact other teams or obligations
  •  C :增加项目团队的成员数量,并增加迭代长度,以确保工作将按照进度计划完成 Increase the number of team members for the project team and increase the iteration length ensuring that the work will be completed according to schedule
  •  D :让团队成员知道你希望他们在困难条件下尽最大努力,并确保在经验教训中注意迭代的挑战 Let team members know you want them to do their best under difficult circumstances, and make sure to note the iteration's challenges in lessons learned

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人 Product Owner: 创建待办列表并排序、 确认工作优先顺序、 提供反馈 、指导开发方向 本次迭代已经结束,下次迭代是解决问题还是做新任务, 需要PO给出优先级。

136、 [多选] 你正在为一个将使用敏捷方法进行产品开发的项目制定项目管理计划。你希望确保关键的相关方在项目的整个过程中都能了解交付的业务价值。 你的最佳行动方案是什么?(选择三个)
You are in the process of developing the project management plan for a project which will use agile methods for product development. You want to ensure that the key stakeholders will be kept apprised of the business value delivered throughout the course of the project. What is your best course of action? (Choose three)

  •  A :等到项目结束时,向相关方展示项目可交付成果 Wait until the end of the project to demonstrate the project deliverables to the stakeholders
  •  B : 邀请相关方参加定期的迭代评审会议 Invite the stakeholders to attend the regular iteration review meetings
  •  C :根据项目待办事项列表中每个项的业务值分配故事点 Assign story points based on the business value for each item in the project backlog
  •  D : 利用信息发射器,如看板和燃烧图表。 Utilize information radiators such as a Kanban board and burn charts.
  •  E : 确保沟通管理计划指定定期向相关方报告项目状态。 Ensure the communications management plan specifies periodic project status reporting to the stakeholders

正确答案:B,D,E 你的答案:B,D,E

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审: 当团队以用户故事的形式完成特定功能时,团队会定期展示工作产品。 看过展示后,产品负责人接受或拒绝故事。 A是传统项目 C是PO做的

137、 [多选] 一位新的项目经理最近在他们当前的组织中结束了一个项目。新项目经理使用了他们之前公司的最终项目报告格式,一位相关方评论说,虽然缺少了几条关键信息,但他们更喜欢这种格式。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A new project manager recently ended a project in their current organization. The new project manager used the format of the final project report of their previous company, and a related party commented that although a few key pieces of information were missing, But they prefer this format.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :向其他项目经理提供报告的副本,并鼓励他们使用该报告 Provide copies of the report to other project managers and encourage them to use the report
  •  B : 使用批准的格式重新编写报告,然后与他们的经理讨论如何改进报告 Rewrite the report using an approved format and then discuss with their manager how to improve the report
  •  C :考虑项目收尾完成的报告,并将该报告的副本存档 Consider a report on the completion of the project and archive a copy of the report
  •  D :与项目团队开会,以审查项目报告格式并获得反馈意见 Meeting with the project team to review the project report format and get feedback

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P124 章节: 项目管理计划的所有组成部分均为本过程的输入报告格式需要与计划保持一致。若有变更,需要走变更流程。

138、 [多选] 项目经理安排一次会议,让Scrum项目团队进行反思和调整。与会者在这次会议上最可能做什么?
A project manager schedules a meeting for the scrum project team to reflect and adapt. What will the participants be most likely doing at this meeting?

  •  A :向客户演示产品增量 Demonstrating the product increment to the customer
  •  B :为下次冲刺选择用户故事 Selecting user stories for the next sprint
  •  C :讨论正在进行的工作和阻碍进展的障碍 Discussing the on-going work and impediments to progress
  •  D : 寻找对团队过程的任何改进 Looking for any improvements to the team's process

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会: 回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其 过程。 回顾会三件事:总结经验 过程改进 提出计划

142、 [多选] 项目经理正在制定一个项目计划。项目赞助人得知后,立即让项目经理针对项目成本开展初始粗略评估,以满足未来财政预算的需求。 项目经理采用下列哪一项评估项目成本?
The project manager is developing a project plan, on short notice project sponsor asks the project manager to create an initial rough estimate of project cost to satisfy requirements for the upcoming fiscal budget. The project manager uses which of the following for estimating the project cost?

  •  A :自下而上估算 Bottom-up estimating
  •  B :三点结算 Three-point estimating
  •  C : 类比估算 Analogous estimating
  •  D :建立参数模型 Parametric modeling

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P244 章节: 成本类比估算使用以往类似项目的参数值或属性来估算。 项目的参数值和属性包括 (但不限于)范围、成本、 预算、持续时间和规模指标, 类比估算以这些项目参数值 或属性为基础来估算当前项目的同类参数或指标。一般题目中出现粗 略、需要快速估算、量级字眼,都是选 择类比估算

143、 [多选] 作为向敏捷转变的一部分,一个组织为一个项目选择一个试点团队来开发一个软件工具。一位敏捷教练被分配到团队中,在整个过渡过程中指导他们。在最初的几次迭代中,教练与项目经理和团队一起指导他们进行敏捷实践,并将任务分配给团队成员。敏捷教练采用什么最佳行动方案来确定团队是否获得了在没有教练的情况下执行即将到来的迭代所需的技能?
As part of its transformation to agile, an organization selects a pilot team for a project to develop a software tool. An agile coach is assigned to the team to guide them throughout their transition. For the first few iterations, the coach works with the project manager and team to coach them on agile practices and assign tasks to the team members. What is agile coach's best course of action to determine if the team has acquired the required skills to perform the upcoming iterations without coaching?

  •  A :参加每日站会 Attend daily standup meetings
  •  B :进行产品演示 Conduct product demonstrations
  •  C : 举行迭代回顾 Hold iteration retrospectives
  •  D :开展团队建设活动 Carry out team building activities

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会: 回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 开始是敏捷教练分配任务,在回顾会后, 团队成员可以自组织来安排任务、 改进过程。

148、 [多选] 一家公司开发了一种创新的,提升性能的产品设计,已启动一个项目来完成构建产品, 该项目涉及现场和远程团队。若要避免各个团队之间的沟通不畅,项目经理应该做什么?
A company has developed an innovative, performance-enhancing product design and has launched a project to complete building the product, which involves field and remote teams.What should a project manager do to avoid poor communication between teams?

  •  A : 使用适当的沟通规划来解决差异 Use appropriate communication planning to resolve differences
  •  B :要求团队接受文化意识培训 Require the team to receive cultural awareness training
  •  C :创建新闻通话以沟通项目决策和状态 Create news call to communicate project decisions and status
  •  D :在不同地点组织团队建设活动 Organize team building activities in different locations

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划: 沟通管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通, 以提高沟通的有效性。该计划包括如下信息: • 相关方的沟通需求 遇到远程团队、虚拟团队之类的题目,优先想到沟通

150、 [多选] 项目经理前往另一个国家执行最终可交付成果的上线过程,到达后,项目经理得知,由于任务计划在当地假日期间完成,关键资源将不可用,而延迟上线将使最终项目的交付处于危险之中。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该在项目开始时完成哪一项工作?
The project manager travels to another country to perform the final deliverable on-line process. Upon arrival, the project manager learns that because the task is scheduled to be completed during the local holiday period, key resources will be unavailable, and the delayed on-line will make the final project delivery at risk.To avoid this problem, which task should the project manager complete at the beginning of the project?

  •  A : 创建一份团队日历并围绕该信息创建项目进度计划 Create a team calendar and create a project schedule around that information
  •  B :要求所有团队,无论在哪个国家,均遵循总部的日历 Require all teams, regardless of country, to follow the headquarters calendar
  •  C :制定加班预算以补偿在假期工作的资源 Develop an overtime budget to compensate for resources that work during the holidays
  •  D :记录风险登记册中包含各个国家日历的影响 Record the effect of the national calendar in the risk register

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P323 章节: 资源日历: 资源日历识别了每种具体资源 可用时的工作日、班次、正常营业的上下班时间、周末和公共假期。在规划活动期间,潜在的可用资源信息(如团队资源、设备和材料)用于估算资源可用性。资源日历还规定了在项目期间确定的团队和实物 资源何时可用、可用多久。 何时可用、 可用多久

152、 [多选] 项目执行阶段,发现一个子团队没有为约定的项目目标工作。项目经理应该查阅哪份文件?
During the project execution phase, it is discovered that a sub-team is not working toward agreed-upon project goals. What document should the project manager consult?

  •  A :项目管理计划 Project management plan
  •  B :资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
  •  C :项目章程 Project charter
  •  D : 资源管理计划 Resource management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P318 章节: 资源管理计划——角色与职责: • 角色 • 职权 • 职责 • 能力 子团队的工作职责不清,需要看资源管理计划。

157、 [多选] 项目经理资源有限,无法获得更多资源。项目经理应该使用什么技术来充分利用现有资源,而不会令项目完成时间延期?
A project manager has limited resources and is unable to obtain more. What technique should the project manager use to fully exploit the existing resources without delaying project completion?

  •  A :快速跟进 Fast tracking
  •  B :赶工 Crashing
  •  C : 资源平滑 Resource smoothing
  •  D :资源平衡 Resource leveling

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P211 章节: 资源优化: 资源平衡,改变关键路径。 资源平滑,不改变关键路径。 题干提到不能让项目延期, 因此只能选择资源优化。

158、 [多选] 一个敏捷团队正处于冲刺中,此时发起人要求项目经理停止当前冲刺中几个用户故事的工作。由于最近发布的一项新技术即将上市,发起人倾向于认为这些用户故事没有什么价值。项目经理应该做什么?
An agile team is in the middle of a sprint when the sponsor asks the project manager to stop work on several user stories in the current sprint. With a recent news announcement of new technology soon to hit the market, the sponsor is inclined to think that these user stories would be of little value. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :从冲刺待办事项列表移除发起人指定的用户故事 Remove the user stories indicated by the sponsor from the sprint backlog
  •  B :忽略发起人意见,并指示团队按原计划进行 Ignore the sponsor's input and instruct the team to proceed as originally planned
  •  C : 联系产品负责人,询问用户故事是否仍具有优先级 Contact the product owner and ask if the user stories are still a priority
  •  D :进行市场调查以确认新技术的发布 Conduct market research to confirm the announcement of the new technology

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:41 章节:4.3.2 产品负责人 Product Owner :创建待办列表并排序、 确认工作优先顺序 、提供反馈、 指导开发方向。 优先级的问题, 应该听PO的。

159、 [多选] 项目经理被分配到一个项目,该项目将把一个大型组织从预测环境转变为敏捷方法。在当前状态下,组织中的工作被分解成部门孤岛,而员工好被描述为专门的贡献者。这种敏捷转换的最佳策略是什么?
A project manager has been assigned to a project that will transform a large organization from a predictive environment to agile methodologies. In its current state, the work in the organization is decomposed into departmental silos, and the employees are best described as specialized contributors. What is the best strategy for this agile transformation?

  •  A : 使用混合生命周期作为预测到敏捷的过渡策略 Use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy from predictive to agile
  •  B :为所有从预测性到敏捷的项目建立一个固定的日期 Establish a fixed date for all projects to transition from predictive to agile
  •  C :介绍一些针对大型复杂项目的敏捷技术 Introduce some agile techniques on a large and complex project
  •  D :调整项目,使其范围是固定的,时间和成本是可变的 Tailor projects so that the scope is fixed with time and cost being variable

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: 敏捷实践指南 页码:P47 章节:4.3.7 克服组织孤岛:孤岛组织往往给跨职能敏捷团 队的组建带来重重障碍。需要构建跨职能团队的团队成员通常需要向不同的管理人员报告,管理人员会采用不同的标准衡 量他们的绩效。管理人员需要关注的不是资源利用效率, 而是过程效率(和基于团队的指标)。 孤岛式组织不利于敏捷,因此建议先以混合型开发方法过渡, 后面再到完全敏捷。

160、 [多选] 在编制项目章程用于批准时,项目经理发现有两名相关方对关键可交付成果的期望有冲突。若要解决期望冲突问题并完成项目章程,项目经理应该首先做什么?
When the Project Charter is prepared for approval,the project manager finds that there are conflicts between the two stakeholders concerning the expectations of key deliverables. What should the project manager do first to resolve the expected conflicts and complete the Project Charter?

  •  A : 与关键相关方一起召开一个问题解决会 To hold a problem solving meeting with key stakeholders
  •  B :将该问题上报给项目发起人 To report the issue to the Project Sponsor
  •  C :使用专家判断来决定可交付成果 To use experts' judgement to determine deliverables
  •  D :在章程中减少可交付成果用于后期定义 To reduce deliverables in the Charter for later definition

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P80 章节: 引导式研讨会:引导是指有效引导团队活动成功以达成决定、解决方案或结论的能力。引导者确保参与者有效参与,互相理解,考虑所有意见,按既定决策流程全力支持得到的结论或结果,以及所达成的行动计划和协议在 之后得到合理执行。 引导式研讨会能够达成决定、解决方案或结论。

161、 [多选] 项目经理建议为一个软件开发团队提供单元测试技术培训,该技术可以在编码阶段应用。另外,项目经理建议在软件开发期间采购一台服务器来运行测试用例。这个例子是什么?
A project manager suggests training a software development team on until testing techniques that can be applied during the coding phase.In addition, the project manager recommends the procurement of a server to run test cases during software development. Of what is this an example?

  •  A :质量管理预算 Quality management budget
  •  B : 预防成本 Prevention costs
  •  C :评价成本 Appraisal costs
  •  D :软件测试预算 Software testing budget

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P282 章节: 质量成本: 预防成本。预防特定项目的产品质量低劣所带来的相关 成本。 评估成本。评估、测量、审计和测试特定项目的产品所 带来的相关成本。 失败成本(内部/外部)。因产品与相关方需求不一致而导致的相关成本。 测试本身是评估成本,但是购买设备是预防成本。

163、 [多选] 几个星期以来,项目经理一直报告项目在正常进行中,现在却突然报告项目滞后于进度计划,项目经理意识到某个项目风险管理不当,且其负责人在不同时区远程工作。项目经理应当更加注意下列哪一项?
For several weeks, the project manager has been reporting that the project is progressing normally, but now suddenly reports that the project lags behind the schedule, the project manager realizes that the risk management of a certain project is improper, and its leader works remotely in different time zones.Project managers should pay more attention to which of the following?

  •  A : 资源过度承诺和沟通不畅 Over commitment of resources and poor communication
  •  B :包容性和资源隔离不足 Inclusiveness and insufficient resource isolation
  •  C :语言障碍和缺乏问责制 Language barriers and lack of accountability
  •  D :项目发起人的指导不足 Insufficient guidance from project sponsors

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划: 沟通管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通, 以提高沟通的有效性。该计划包括如下信息: • 相关方的沟通需求 遇到远程团队、虚拟团队之类的题目,优先想到沟通

164、 [多选] 一个使用多个供应商的项目估计将在两年内完成。在第一年结束时,发现存在重大预算超支。项目经理意识到必须将项目重新拉回控制,因此签发一项变更请求。若要支持这项变更请求,项目经理应该做什么?
A project that uses several vendors is estimated to complete in two years.At the end of the first year,a significant budget overrun is identified that project must be brought back under control,the project manager issues change request.What should the project manager do to support the change request?

  •  A :更新变更控制过程 Update the change control progresses
  •  B :完成质量审计 Complete a quality audit
  •  C :召开风险研讨会 Conduct a risk workshop
  •  D : 执行根本原因分析 Perform a root cause analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P111 章节: 根本原因分析关注识别问题的主要原因,它可用于识别出现偏差的原因以及项目经 理为达成项目目标应重点关注的领域。 注意监控过程组六个数据分析的工具,根本原因分析为其之一。

167、 [多选] 在项目开工会议期间,一个相关方公开反对该项目在组织内的必要性和优先级。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
During a project kick-off meeting,one stakeholder openly rejects the project's necessity and priority within the organization. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :在相关方登记册中记录该相关方的评估 Document the stakeholder's assessment in the stakeholder register
  •  B :将该相关方的问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the stakeholder's concern to the project sponsor
  •  C :了解该相关方的立场,并更新风险登记册 Gain an understanding of the stakeholder's position,and update the risk register
  •  D : 考虑该相关方的立场,并制定相关方参与计划 Consider the stakeholder's position,and develop the stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P522 章节: 相关方参与计划: 是项目管理计划的组成部分。它确定用于促进相关方有效参 与决策和执行的策略和行动。 相关方参与计划可包括(但不限于)调动个人或相关方参与 的特定策略或方法。 遇抵制,找相关方参与计划。

169、 [多选] 项目的最新迭代比第一次迭代要好得多。一些人认为这是因为交流的增加。另一些人则将此归功于社交媒体策略的变更。而另一些人则认为这是由于加入了一个培训课程。项目经理该做什么才能使下次迭代更加成功?
The latest iteration in the project went far better than the first iteration. Some claim it was the increased communication. Others credit the change in the social media strategy. While others feel it was due to the inclusion of a training course. What should the project manager do to make the next iteration even more successful?

  •  A :在下次迭代中包括另一个培训课程 Include another training course in the next iteration
  •  B : 更新奏效的经验教训登记册 Update the lessons learned register with what worked well
  •  C :在下次迭代中双倍沟通 Double the communications in the next iteration
  •  D :增加社交媒体工具在下次迭代中的使用 Increase the usage of the social media tools in the next iteration

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P104 章节: 经验教训登记册: 经验教训登记册可以记录遇到的挑战、问题、意识到的风险和机会,或其他适用的内容。经验教训登记册在早期创建,在整个项目期间,它可以作为 很多过程的输入,也可以作为输出而不断更新。 经验教训改善未来绩效,因此参考经验教训,一般不会 犯过去的错误。

170、 [多选] 你向项目出资人提供了项目的成本估算,他对估算不满意,因为他认为价格太高了。他要你削减项目估算的15%,你该怎么做?
You provide a project cost estimate to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15 percent off the project estimate. What should you do?

  •  A :启动该项目,并不断的节约成本 Start the project and constantly look for cost savings
  •  B :告诉所有团队成员削减其估算的15% Tell all the team members to cut 15 percent from their estimates
  •  C : 告诉出资人要削减的活动 Inform the sponsor of the activities to be cut
  •  D :加入工资率低的额外资源 Add additional resources with low hourly rates

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P247 章节: 估算依据: 成本估算所需的支持信息的数量和种类,因应用领域而异,不论其细程度如何,支持性文件都应该清晰、完整地说明成本估算是如何得出的。 有清晰明确的估算依据,若发起人认为还要缩减,就需 要缩减项目范围了。

171、 [多选] 一个使用新技术的复杂敏捷项目被技术挑战、不断变更的优先级、严格的截止日期和客户对敏捷交付方法的不熟悉所困扰。这种环境会给团队成员带来压力和挫折。他们中的许多人开始找项目经理,抱怨这些问题。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A complex agile project that uses a new technology has been plagued by technical challenges, constantly changing priorities, strict deadlines, and the customer's lack of familiarity with agile delivery methods. This environment causes stress and frustration for the team members. Many of them started to come to see the project manager and complain about the issues. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A :提交变更请求 Submit a change request
  •  B : 消除团队成员的挫败感 Absorb the frustration of the team members
  •  C :将问题升级上报给管理层 Escalate the issue to management
  •  D :向产品负责人介绍团队成员 Refer the team members to the product owner

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 消除组织障碍: 仆人式领导还应该关注其他冗长的过程,这些过程往往造成瓶颈问题,阻碍团队或组织的敏捷性。可能需要处理的过程或部门的例子包括,财务部门、变更控制委员会或审计部门。仆人式领导可以与他人携手合作,共同质疑和审核他们的过程,为敏捷团队和领导提供支持。 团队促进者消除组织障碍。

173、 [多选] 一家组织执行了电子邮件迁移项目,虽然电子邮件迁移成功,但用户地址簿信息的迁移却不正确,这会影响到该组织的内部沟通。项目经理应该怎么做?
An organization implemented an email migration project. Although the email migration was successful, the migration of user address book information was incorrect, which would affect the organization's internal communication. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :向所有相关方解释这种情况,然后就后续步骤达成一致 Explain the situation to all interested parties and then agree on the next steps
  •  B : 确定迁移错误的根本原因 Determine the root cause of the migration error
  •  C :要求项目团队提出纠正措施 Ask the project team to propose corrective actions
  •  D :请求发起人批准延长项目时间 Ask the sponsor to approve the extension of the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P111 章节: 根本原因分析关注识别问题的主要原因,它可用于识别出现偏差的原因以及项目经理为达成项目目标应重点关注的领域。 选项的顺序应该是B-C-A

174、 [多选] 一个大型复杂项目的项目经理了解到,一位关键相关方反对在项目后期批准的变更,项目经理不愿冒犯这位相关方,但也不希望延迟该项目。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager of a large and complex project learned that a key party was opposed to changes approved later in the project, and the project manager was unwilling to offend the party, but did not mean to delay the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A :与该相关方一起审查沟通管理计划 Review the communication management plan with the interested party
  •  B :取消已批准的变更,以满足相关方的要求 Cancel approved changes to meet the requirements of interested parties
  •  C : 让相关方参考变更日志,以显示变更批准 Have interested parties refer to the change log to show change approval
  •  D :与相关方一起讨论相关方参与计划 Discuss the stakeholder participation plan with the stakeholder

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P120 章节: 变更日志: 变更日志用于记录项目期间发生的变更。 变更已审批,并记录在变更日志中。因此要看变更日志。 D,应该项目经理审查,而不是和相关方审查。

175、 [多选] 一位项目经理领导着一个六人的敏捷团队。团队当前的速度和待办事项列表中剩余的故事点的数量表明项目趋向于满足进度基准。在项目执行的中途,项目发起人通知三名团队成员被重新分配到一个新的更高优先级的项目,并且不会被替换。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a six-member agile team. The team's current velocity and the number of story points remaining in the backlog indicate that the project is trending to meet the schedule baseline. Midway into project execution, the project sponsor informs that three team members are being reassigned to a new higher priority project and will not be replaced. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :向发起人提供一份正式的信函,说明项目已经终止,因为用剩余的资源实现项目目标并不现实 Provide the sponsor with a formal letter that the project is terminated since achieving the project objectives is unrealistic with the remaining resources
  •  B :请求剩余的团队成员再跑三次冲刺,以确定新的速度,这样就可以估算新的项目完成日期 Request the remaining team members to run three more sprints to determine a new velocity so that a new project completion date can be estimated
  •  C :要求加班并为剩余的团队成员分配奖金,以弥补差距并确保项目目标的实现 Mandate the use of overtime and allocate bonuses for the remaining team members to bridge the gap and ensure that the project objectives are met
  •  D : 根据剩余的资源提交变更请求来修改进度和/或范围基准,并评估如何继续进行的选项 Submit a change request to revise the schedule and/or scope baseline based on the remaining resources and evaluate the options on how to proceed

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P229 章节: 变更请求:通过分析进度偏差,审查进展报告、绩效测量 结果和项目范围或进度调整情况,可能会对进度基准、范围基准和/或项目管理计划的其他组成部分提出变更请求 。 确定不给资源,进度一定会受影响,因此要重新评估后提出变更。若是纯敏捷,可以考虑B选项。

177、 [多选] 一个敏捷团队举行了一次发布回顾。讨论的重点是在软件发布之前的几周内发生的一些破坏性风险事件。这些风险很难解决,并威胁到发行日期。风险在发布计划的早期就已经确定了,但是与对客户来说价值相对较低的用户故事相关联。为了避免这些风险在离预定发布日期这么近的时候发生,我们应该做什么呢?
An agile team holds a release retrospective. The discussion is focused on some disruptive risk events that occurred in the last few weeks, just before the software has been released. The risks were difficult to resolve and threatened the release date. The risks were identified early in release planning but were associated with user stories that were relatively low in value to the customer. What could have been done to avoid having these risks occur so close to the scheduled release date?

  •  A :应该批准加班,并在发布前几周增加资源,以减轻高风险用户故事的影响 Overtime should have been authorized, and resources added in the weeks leading up to the release to mitigate the impact of the high-risk user stories.
  •  B :产品负责人应该更勤奋地在待办事项列表中编写用户故事,以便将风险降到最低或完全消除 The product owner should have been more diligent in writing the user stories in the release backlog so that the risk is minimized or removed completely
  •  C :真的没有什么可以避免所描述的问题,因为风险事件总是发生在预定的发布日期之前 There is really nothing that could have been done to avoid the issue described because risk events always occur just before the scheduled release date.
  •  D : 产品负责人可以在产品待办事项列表中提前而不是推迟完成高风险用户故事 The product owner could have scheduled the completion of high-risk user stories in the product backlog sooner rather than later in the release cycle.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P42 章节:4.3.3 风险价值矩阵:产品负责人的工作是确保团队从事最高价值的工作。 首先要做高风险高价值的事情。

178、 [多选] 一位新团队成员在一个月前加入团队,并接受了资源管理计划中规定的必要培训,这位新团队成员无法按时完成分配的任务,从而影响到团队绩效。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A new team member joined the team a month ago and received the necessary training as specified in the resource management plan. The new team member was unable to complete the assigned tasks on time, which affected the team's performance. How to do it?

  •  A :增加所需的额外培训并更新资源管理计划 Increase additional training required and updating the resource management plan
  •  B :将问题升级上报给管理层,要求将该团队成员调到另一个项目,并找到一位经验更丰富的资源作为替代 Escalate the problem to management, request that the team member be transferred to another project, and find a more experienced resource as an alternative
  •  C : 与该团队成员讨论这个问题,并一致达成一项具有可测量纠正措施的行动计划 Discuss the issue with the team members and agree on an action plan with a measurable corrective action
  •  D :在下一次计划的绩效评估中解决该团队成员的培训需求 address the training needs of the team members in the next planned performance evaluation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处: PMBOK 6th 页码:P342 章节: 培训:项目经理应该按资源管理计划 中的安排来实施预定的培训, 也应该根据管理项目团队过程中的观察、交谈和项目绩效评 估的结果,来开展必要的计划外培训 。 培训完还是绩效不好, 需要找他面谈,找到原因并提供解决措施,必要时开展计划外培训。


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