





农民根据标牌点,他们的地块ID和子插槽挑战来计算地块过滤器-将它们哈希在一起以创建地块过滤器位。如果绘图过滤器位以9个零开始,则该绘图将通过该标牌点的过滤器,然后可以继续进行。对于每个标牌点,这将使网络上所有空间证明的511/512左右失去资格。每天有4608 * 2或9216个指示点,因此平均地块平均每24小时应通过过滤器18次。一旦地块通过了地块过滤器,它便与所有其他通过该地块过滤器的指示区的其他地块竞争最佳的空间证明。出于直觉上并非如此简单的原因,



What is the plot filter and why didn't my plot pass it?

Farmers compute a plot filter based on the signage point, their plot id, and the sub-slot challenge - which are hashed together to create the plot filter bits. If the plot filter bits start with 9 zeroes, that plot passes the filter for that signage point, and can proceed. This disqualifies around 511/512 of all proofs of space on the network, for each signage point. There are 4608 * 2 or 9216 signage points per day so the average plot should pass the filter 18 times per 24 hours on average. Once a plot passes the plot filter it then competes for the best proof of space with every other plot that also passed that plot filter for that signage point. For reasons that aren't super simple to intuit, the only thing each plot is competing on is to have the best proof of space and thus the chances of getting a reward depend on total size of plots on the farm - even with the plot filter in place.

As long as the plot passes the filter, and do not have any internal file errors, the plot will always be eligible to compete for the best proof of space. Moving the plot to another directory or server will not change its eligibility.

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